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Clucky has crash landed his magical present balloon. In order to help clucky back home you have to get back all Clucky’s magical presents. Ask your best 3 friends to help and group up at SilverEdge. Jubbins will give further instructions from there.

Date: 13/01/2012  Time: 21:00 GMT+1

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  1. ninjabaver 2012-01-04 at 21:03

    Hahahahaha! Love this :D

  2. Dexeron 2012-01-05 at 18:58

    Definately going try this. This clucky thing has to be kept. Maybe give us updates on his activities through the year, then next Christmas, we could have a Clucky Festival!!!

    Anyway, certainly looking forward to the event! Good Luck Clucky!

  3. JUBBINS 2012-01-05 at 20:52

    Ninja I may have pirated your balloon design :D

  4. Undrask 2012-01-06 at 01:12

    Fear not Clucky, the Sentinels will soon be on guard.

  5. SYkO_Reaper117 2012-01-06 at 02:44

    He also does Easter, and there are rumors about St. Patricks Day

  6. SirMeLoNhEaD 2012-01-07 at 23:40

    Me bevso and dewpboy won that today yeeaah! And won 15 diamonds each

  7. eololar 2012-01-11 at 18:25

    i won 15 diamonds for my self :/

  8. Carl_Emil 2012-01-12 at 15:59


  9. Carl_Emil 2012-01-12 at 16:06

    Cayorion. Can you opdate the server? I opdate my Minecraft and i cant join the server. Too bad

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