- Gethelp x2: Individual Direction – Jackson413.
- Omnomivore x1: Bureaucracy Documentation.
- Omnomivore x5: Documenting Factions Features Suggestions.
- Omnomivore x3: Features and Ideas Responses and Cleanup.
- LumosJared x5: Individual Direction and Staff Apps.
- Cayorion, MonMarty, Madus x3: Pre-Factions Development Focus Meeting.
- Cayorion, MonMarty: Individual Direction.
- MonMarty x3: Individual Direction MrHappyTinkles.
- Omnomivore x1, Jackson413 x7, Darkwatch01 x1, EmpressEvie x3, Spooky_Evan x1, CrescentLight x2, BillytheScroofy x1: Tickets.
- Jackson413 x1, Darkwatch01 x1, EmpressEvie x1, Spooky_Evan x1, CrescentLight x1, BillytheScroofy x1, Kaezir x2, Candlelit x1: Help chats.
- Omnomivore x2: Ban Appeals.
- Omnomivore, Jackson413 x1: Player Reports.
- Gethelp x29, Omnomivore x8: Gamestaff Assistance.
- Jackson413 x1: Handling claims violations.
- Jackson413 x2, Darkwatch01 x2, EmpressEvie x2, CrescentLight x2: Parkour Event hosting and moderation.
- Omnomivore, Jackson413 x1: Training on handling Player Reports.
- Omnomivore, Darkwatch01, EmpressEvie x1: Ticket training.
- Omnomivore, Darkwatch01 x1: Mass theft, Massivelock, and Rank 2 permissions trainings.
- Sephite x2, CrescentLight x2: Massivelock, Build identity, War Declarations review, AFK grinding, and Inappropriate usernames trainings.
- Jackson413 x2, Darkwatch01 x2, EmpressEvie x2, CrescentLight x2: Rank training.
- EmpressEvie, Kaezir, Candlelit x1: Other Punishments training.
- Gethelp x1: Warzones.
- Gethelp x2: Email confirmations.
- Gethelp x2: Forums cleanup.
- Gethelp x8: Market shop maintenance and evictions.
- Gethelp x15: KOTH testing and moderation.
no activity
- Jaehaerys x16: Castle work.
- WaterDruppel x4: Construction.
- Anti_Majora x9: Job Island.
- Timisc x9: Estates.
- Greenie x4: Job Island.
- Finn_ish x3: Job Island.
- MonMarty x10: Black Tower Construction.
- Aespair x2: Lore tickets.
- Suzzie x4: Lore tickets and Wiki Writing.
- TheOverseer__ x19: Character Sheets and Player Quests.
- Shayin x9: Wiki Writing.
- Shuikenai x4: Wiki Writing and Events.
- MantaRey x2: Character Sheets.
- Betterer x7: Art and Training.
- Eccetra x22: Processing.
- Chiruda x3: Character Sheets.
- Doc_Cantankerous x1: Reviews.
- The_Shadow_King3: Character Sheets.
- LumosJared x6: Character Sheets, Player Quests.
- Aespair x22: Player Quests.
- Ponyowantham x4: Processing.
- TheBioverse x5: Character Application.
- MonMarty x5: Santorski Canonization implementation.
- MonMarty x4: Body Shape Updating.
- MonMarty: Announcements for Body Shape Updating.
- MonMarty x6: Regalian Navy.
- MonMarty x3: Regalian Law update.
- MonMarty x3: School of Biology implementation.
- MonMarty: Intellect page format handing to Shayin and later content addition.
- MonMarty x8: Ch’ien-ji rewrite.
- MonMarty x3: School of Viridian Update + Messaging on the forum.
- MonMarty: Calendar maintenance.
- MonMarty x2: Runes removal and full implementation of various scripts as replacements.
- MonMarty x9: Lore Q&A.
- Ryciera x3: Wiki work on Nenya Stake.
- Ryciera: Processing Oceans.
- JarlJade x2: Event prep.
no activity
- Ragnio x9: Church District Spotlight.
- Drfong x8: Creeper and Building.
- YLMadness x10: Voting Rework.
- Muffins_ x2: Worklog.
- Kaezir x28: Voting and Rewards.
- LedinklbergFM x5: Competitions.
- LumosJared x9: Postings, Youtube, Direction.
- SpunSugar x5: PR stuff.
- Optimalfriskies x4: Various work.
- Onearmsquid x5: Video work.
no activity