- Omnomivore x3: Forums Feature and Idea Responses and Feedback.
- Omnomivore x1: Individual Direction – CrescentLight.
- Omnomivore x1: Individual Direction – EmpressEvie.
- Omnomivore x1: Individual Direction – Spooky_Evan.
- Omnomivore x1: Individual Direction – Kaezir.
- Omnomivore x1: Individual Direction – BillytheScroofy.
- Omnomivore x1: Individual Direction – Candlelit.
- Cayorion, Madus, Ulumulu1510 x8: Technology department code reviews and leadership for the last two months. Approximated as 1 hour weekly which is probably less than reality anyways so this should be fair.
- Cayorion x8: BiWeekly Direciton meeting planning for last two months. Approximated to 1h weekly. That should be about exactly the time I spent.
- Ulumulu1510 x16: Linkage Error work.
- LumosJared x2: Direction Paperwork.
- LumosJared x4: Staff Applicants.
- LumosJared x2: Individual Direction – LeDinkleBergFM and Betterer.
- LumosJared x2: Aspirancy Talks.
- Gethelp x1, Omnomivore x3, Lazzulai x2, Sephite x2, Jackson413 x8, Darkwatch01 x1, EmpressEvie x3, Spooky_Evan x2, CrescentLight x2, BillytheScroofy x1: Tickets.
- Gethelp x1, Jackson413 x1, Darkwatch01 x1, EmpressEvie x1, Spooky_Evan x1, CrescentLight x1, BillytheScroofy x1, Kaezir x2: Help Chats.
- Jackson413 x1: Player Reports.
- Sephite x1: War Declarations.
- EmpressEvie, Spooky_Evan, CrescentLight, Kaezir x1: MassiveMusic Moderation.
- Sephite, Jackson413, Darkwatch01, EmpressEvie,BillytheScroofy, Kaezir x1: Keep Moving Event.
- Darkwatch01, EmpressEvie, Spooky_Evan, CrescentLight, BillytheScroofy, Kaezir x1: Cups Event.
- Gethelp, Jackson413, Darkwatch01, EmpressEvie, Spooky_Evan, CrescentLight, Kaezir x1: Dancy Chairs Event.
- Gethelp, Jackson413, Darkwatch01, EmpressEvie, CrescentLight, BillytheScroofy, Kaezir x1: Hide-and-Seek Event.
- Jackson413 x20: Creating, Coordinating, Hosting, and Removing the Scavenger Hunt Event.
- Omnomivore, EmpressEvie, CrescentLight x1: Mass Theft and Rank 2 Ticket Permissions Training.
- Omnomivore, CrescentLight x1: Scamming and Harassment Training.
- Omnomivore, Darkwatch01 x1: Competency Clearance Training.
- Omnomivore, Kaezir x1: Competency Clearance Training.
- Omnomivore, EmpressEvie x1: Competency Clearance Training.
- Jackson413, CrescentLight, EmpressEvie x1: Rank Training.
- Jackson413 x3, EmpressEvie x3: Rank Training.
- EmpressEvie x2, Candlelit x2: Rank 1 Ticket Training.
- CrescentLight x3, Candlelit x3: Rank 1 Ticket Training.
- WaterDruppel x3: Job Island.
- Timisc x9: Job Island.
- Finn_Ish x4: Events.
- Anti_Majora x7: Job Island.
- Greenie x3: Corn Grounds.
- Jaehaerys x8: House construction.
- Aespair x1: Lore Tickets.
- TheOverseer x20: Player Quests and Character Sheets.
- Shayin x20: Lore Processing.
- Shuikenai x4: Lore Processing.
- MantaRey x3: Character Sheets.
- Plecy x2: Lore Processing.
- Doc_Cantankerous x12: Lore Events and Character Sheets.
- TyrolleanEagle x1: Progression Post Writing.
- Eccetra x14: Lore Processing.
- Betterer x3: Kelmoria Writing.
- The_Shadow_King3 x12: Lore Processing.
- Aespair x11: Training and upkeep.
- LumosJared x5: Player Quest Training and Character Sheets.
- Chiruda x7: Player Quest Training.
- TheBioverse x4: Lore Q/A.
- JarlJade x2: Character Applications.
- Ponyowantham x6: Lore Processing.
- CRASHIR x4: Coding and assistance with the Scavenger Hunt Quest.
- Ragnio x8: MassiveMagic Trailer
- LeDinklebergFM x4: Competitions Upkeep.
- Kaezir x20: General PR work.
- LumosJared x7: Postings, last minute announcements, competition rewards.
no activity