- Cayorion x2, MonMarty x2, LumosJared x2, Omnomivore x1: Bi-Weekly Direction Meeting.
- Omnomivore x1: Individual Direction – Darkwatch01.
- Omnomivore x1: Individual Direction – Completely_Evan.
- Omnomivore x1: Individual Direction – BillytheScroofy.
- Omnomivore x1: Individual Direction – CrescentLight.
- LumosJared x5: Rank 3 Advisement/Individual Direction.
- LumosJared x4: Aspirancy/Rank up Talks.
- MonMarty x2: Speaking during the Common Meeting.
- MonMarty, LumosJared, Omnomivore x2: Direction Meeting.
- MonMarty, LumosJared, Omnomivore, Gethelp x2: Direction Meeting.
- Omnomivore x2, Sephite x1, Darkwatch01 x11, CrescentLight x4, Completely_Evan x1, CharlieML x1, BillytheScroofy x1, Kaezir x4: Game Tickets.
- Darkwatch01 x1, CrescentLight x1, Completely_Evan x1, BillytheScroofy x1: Help Chat Responses.
- Darkwatch01 x1: Player Reports.
- Darkwatch01 x1: Help Forum Responses.
- Gethelp x3: NPC Assistance.
- Gethelp x1, Omnomivore x1, Darkwatch01 x1, Completely_Evan x1, CrescentLight x1: Quest assistance.
- CrescentLight x1: Assisting CRASHIR on a ticket.
- CrescentLight x1: Assisting Aespair on a ticket.
- CrescentLight x1, CharlieML x1: Assisting TheComputerGeek2 on his coding project.
- CrescentLight x1: Long tickets.
- Darkwatch01 x1: Creating documentation for suggested Help Central improvements.
- Darkwatch01 x1, CrescentLight x1, BillytheScroofy x1: PvE Event Moderation.
- Darkwatch01 x1, CrescentLight x1, Completely_Evan x1: Keep Moving Event Moderation.
- Gethelp x2, Darkwatch01 x2: Hacked client training.
- Darkwatch01 x2, Kaezir x2: Massivelock, Regions, and Scamming Training.
- CrescentLight x1: Player Reports training with Aespair.
- CrescentLight x1, CharlieML x1: Massivelock, Harassment, and Scamming Training.
- Omnomivore x1, Sephite x1, Darkwatch01 x1, CrescentLight x1, Completely_Evan x1, BillytheScroofy x1: Recruitment Meeting.
- Gethelp x2: Stat transfers.
- Gethelp x1: Warzone applications.
- Gethelp x2: Email confirmations.
- Gethelp x1: Forums cleanup.
- Gethelp x3: Market Shop Maintenance and Evictions.
- Omnomivore, CharlieML, Completely_Evan x2: Meeting participation.
- CrescentLight, Darkwatch01, EmpressEvie, Jackson413, Lazzulai, BillyTheScroofy, CharlieML, Completely_Evan, Gethelp x2: Meeting participation.
- Timisc x2: World Tickets.
- WaterDruppel x7: Job Isle.
- Anti_Majora x2: Building.
- SpunSugar x10: Building.
- Timisc x12: Regalia Upkeep.
- Nesstro x8: Gardens and Job Isle.
- Jaehaerys x9: Regalia Upkeep.
- Greenie x10: Regalia Upkeep.
- Bertramqaz x7: Construction.
- Feodorovna x6: Garden District.
- LumosJared x4: Mercenary Keep.
- Greenie, Jaehaerys, Timisc, WaterDruppel, Nesstro, Landarbeiter x2: Meeting participation.
- WaterDruppel, Nesstro, Landarbeiter, Bertramqaz, AntonVoron, Timisc, Greenie, Jaehaerys x2: Meeting participation.
- LumosJared x1, Doc_Cantankerous x1, Aespair x1, Eccetra x3: Lore Tickets.
- Aespair x1: Player reports training with CrescentLight.
- MantaRey x7: Charatcer Sheets.
- Shayin x15: Lore Writing.
- Aespair x15: NPC reports.
- TyrolleanEagle x1: Character Sheets.
- Magivore x4: Character Sheets.
- Chiruda x9: Lore Processing.
- HydraLana x7: Character Sheets.
- Eccetra x15: Processing.
- PonyoWantHam x4: Character Sheets.
- Valentinian x19: Character Sheets.
- Schribe x7: Writing.
- Fatherland x15: Character Sheets.
- Tcareyistaken x8: Character Sheets.
- LumosJared x6: Processing.
- Valentinian, Scrihbe, TcareyisTaken, Mantarey, Fatherland, Magivore, HydraLana, Shayin, PonyoWantHam, Chiruda, LumosJared, MonMarty, Aespair, Doc_Cantankerous, Eccetra x2: Meeting participation.
- MonMarty, LumosJared, Chiruda, Aespair, Doc_Cantankerous, Eccetra, HydraLana, Magivore, MantaRey, Tcareyistaken, Valentinian x2: Meeting participation.
- CRASHIR x1, Slayer1618 x1: Quest Tickets.
- Itsnotmarkus x3: Documentation.
- CRASHIR x30: Job Island.
- Brycea111 x3: Ques work.
- CrescentLight x1: Crashir Meeting.
- OneArmsquid x9: Job Isle.
- CRASHIR, Slayer1618, itsnotmarkus, Bellarmina x2: Meeting participation.
- CRASHIR, Bellarmina, onearmsquid x2: Meeting participation.
- Onearmsquid x4: Various PR work.
- Drfong x5: Isle and Creepers.
- SpunSugar x11: Weekend Roundup.
- YLMadness x7: PMC Upkeep.
- Kaezie x19: Posts.
- Slayer1618 x36: Job Isle.
- Ragnio x15: Video Work.
- LumosJared x6: PR Video Post, Postings.
- YLMadness, SpunSugar, Kaezir, Muffins, Ragnio, Optimalfriskies x2: Meeting participation.
- SpunSugar, Kaezir, Muffins_, Ragnio, YLMadness x2: Meeting participation.
- TheComputerGeek2 x2 Meeting participation.
- TheComputerGeek2 x2 Meeting participation.