- Omnomivore x1: Individual Direction – Kaezir.
- LumosJared x4: Individual Direction, Aspirancy Talks, Staff Applicants Upkeep.
- Omnomivore x2, Sephite x1, Darkwatch01 x16, CrescentLight x5, Completely_Evan x1, CharlieML x1: Game tickets.
- Darkwatch01 x1, CrescentLight x1, Completely_Evan x1: Help chat responses.
- Omnomivore x1, Sephite x1: Ban Appeals.
- Gethelp x2: Quest assistance.
- Omnomivore x2: Reworking the Game training profiles.
- Sephite x2, Darkwatch x4: Long tickets.
- Darkwatch01 x1: Creating a form for help central improvements on the forums.
- Omnomivore x1, Sephite x1, Darkwatch01 x1, CharlieML x1, BillytheScroofy x1, Kaezir x1: Hide and Seek Event moderation.
- CrescentLight x2, Completely_Evan x2, CharlieML x2: Pig Race Event moderation.
- Gethelp x1, Sephite x1, Darkwatch01 x1, CrescentLight x1, CharlieML x1: Dancy Chairs Event moderation.
- Darkwatch01 x2, BillytheScroofy x2: Rank training.
- Kaezir x1: Training Slayer1618 in MassiveMobs use.
- Omnomivore x1, Kaezir x1: Recruitment meeting discussion.
- Gethelp x2: Email confirmations.
- Gethelp x2: Forums cleanup.
- Gethelp x4: Market shop maintenance and evictions.
- Greenie x1: World tickets.
- Greenie x5: Sewer Housing,
- Timisc x6: Event Assistance.
- SpunSugar x7: Magic Island.
- WaterDruppel x6: Regalian Wilderness.
- Nesstro x2: Magic Island.
- Jaehaerys x8: Cathedral Work.
- LumosJared x1: Freisoldner Keep.
- Feodorovna x8: Houses.
- AntonVoron x5: Houses.
- Eccetra x2, HydraLana x1, Valentinian x1: Lore tickets.
- Valentinian x15: Character Sheets.
- Shayin x28: Wiki Upkeep.
- Magivore x10: Character Sheets.
- MantaRey x3: Lore Writing.
- Doc_Cantankerous x16: Lore Writing.
- HydraLane x15: Character Sheets.
- Fatherland x10: Character Sheets.
- Eccetra x16: Processing.
- Aespair x5: Character Sheets.
- Ponyowantham x8: Character Sheets.
- Suzzie x2: Character Sheets.
- LumosJared x8: Processing and Character Sheets.
- Tcareyistaken x8: Processing.
- Scrihbe x9: Processing.
- Slayer1618 x5: Quest tickets.
- Slayer1618 x1: Training with Kaezir in MassiveMobs use.
- Bellarmina x1: Quest Training.
- Onearmsquid x4: Quest Assistance.
- Crashir x5: Quest Testing and Training.
- Slayer1618: Pack Isle and Easter Stuff
- LumosJared x2: Pack Isle Assistance.
- Ragnio x8: YT release.
- Muffins x5: Features.
- SpunSugar x7: Weekend Roundup.
- DrFong x4: Character Sheets.
- LumosJared x4: Postings.
no activity