To summon your new mount, use /mcpets to open the pet menu and click the icon to summon one of the mobs inside. Left-click your mount or pet to open its menu.
Each pet menu has a different layout based on the features of the pet.
- The paper sends you back to the pet selection menu.
- The nametag allows you to rename your pet.
- Clicking the pet icon will allow you to unsummon pets without needing to type /mcpets revoke.
- Clicking the saddle allows you to mount your pet.
- The final item is sometimes used for a mount specific skill, such as a dash or displaying information.
- To use an interaction with the pet (mounting or other interactions), right-click.
- You can hide your pet by doing /mcpets revoke or by clicking the icon in the pet menu.
Some pets have options for alternate skins. Click on the magma cream to see skins you have available.