Festival massacre! Several dozen dead!

The food festival started as a peaceful event of sharing food, conversations, dancing and happiness. But a dark shadow was lurking over Lukkerdam. The Banshee Mrs.Baver appeared and opened a portal to a dark world. Hundreds of monsters from the other world such as Ghasts and Blazes were called forth just as the final dance was about to take place at the festival. The monsters came out and killed almost all visitors and destroyed parts of the city! I was there and saw it with my own eyes and as the massacre went on I hid in a barrel of rum. When I got the chance to escape I ran for my life.

One of the survivors, Lewis Dickson, told us at The Daily Creeper about what happened next:

I had passed out during the attack when one of the Lukkerdam buildings collapsed and when I woke up there was fire everywhere, I could hear monsters screaming and shrieking as they searched for prey. I hid for a while and could see the terrible banshee tear apart buildings with her magic. The ground was shaking from earthquakes and lava erupted from the deep, setting even more buildings on fire.
A small search party found me where I was hiding and we ran out of there as fast as we could before she got the chance to see us.

This apocalyptic event left Lukkerdam scarred, the ships and houses have all been blown apart and savaged by Mrs.Bavers wrath and her minions still lurk there. Lukkerdam is now turned into a chaos of lava and she kills almost everyone that enters her new home. She is more powerful than ever and her power still grows. Who will know where she will next roam and strike?

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  1. illogicalleaf314 2012-07-28 at 00:45

    I love the roleplay. Great work! Just wish it wasn’t at 4 AM or something in my time =/

  2. CRACKPOTATOE 2012-07-28 at 01:48

    I led a recon team back there after we have a safehouse set up not far from Man o’ War, come visit if you are still alive out there.
    We lost half of our party but we linked up with bloodshed, Eramag and I set out to gather survivors.

    This is a very grim event in the history of MassiveCraft. We must raise a united army, cast aside our rivalries and work together to bring Mrs.Baver down once and for all!

    • CRACKPOTATOE 2012-07-28 at 01:51

      People were lighting up in fire around me it was horrible so I ran all the way back to SilverEdge and gathered a Recon group.

      We must not let this happen at the next event!

    • Gnarrf 2012-07-28 at 01:58

      Many romans lost their lives in this desaster, be sure to count the 9thlegion in.
      But for now its better to wait and regain our powers to strike back in the future

      • TheDrifter 2012-07-29 at 16:17

        Looks like we’re going on a woman-hunt, tell me when and where sir!

      • Rozzelyn 2012-08-01 at 13:18

        agreed gnarff. she might be an all powerful vampire but she killed our comrades. this can not stand.

      • BigBellyBuddah 2012-08-01 at 18:02

        Gnarrf, shield brother, you know you can count on my aid and the aid of Midgard to fight alongside you!

    • Sventen 2012-07-28 at 11:54

      I wil do anything to help the survivals (as my self) count SilverBay in.

  3. ulumulu1510 2012-07-28 at 01:55

    As bad as the news are (in RP) it was hell like fun!

    • CRACKPOTATOE 2012-07-28 at 02:02

      Yeah true ******* awesome! Good idea but poor Lukkerdam :o

  4. Jared Craulnober 2012-07-28 at 01:55

    I was there at the Festival, I even had the misfortune of fighting Mrs. Baver herself. I hit her but once. When she struck me, I was sent flying into the ocean. I barely managed to escape through the Portal before she closed it.

    I warn all of you who think this is not a big deal, who think they can just wait it out until it all blows over. You can’t. We Can’t. We have to fight against Mrs. Baver. I know I have many enemies (Bandits mostly) but I think we can all agree that if we do not attack in a unified manner, we will all surely perish.

    – Jared Craulnober, Ranger of SilverEdge, student to Drizzt Do’Urden

  5. blitz792 2012-07-28 at 01:56

    I was part of the initial bloodshed rescue attempt also i was at the festivle when we first arrived we met up whith 2 other armed people 1 from olympus 1 from trigent we worked whith them to establish a foothold and then of course we found lewis after that we searched farther into the wastland constantly bombarded by mrs.baver and rocketfule we managed to rescue aradi and then we fought our way back to what is now “bavers shame” a fort that has been established to offer sanctuary to those trying to flee or come and fight baver after time we met up whith crackpotato and his band and well this is how we are now if you wish to help us please sail to the place or take the portal in olympus well see you there

  6. Jared4242 2012-07-28 at 01:57

    I was there at the Festival, I even had the misfortune of fighting Mrs. Baver herself. I hit her but once. When she struck me, I was sent flying into the ocean. I barely managed to escape through the Portal before she closed it.

    I warn all of you who think this is not a big deal, who think they can just wait it out until it all blows over. You can’t. We Can’t. We have to fight against Mrs. Baver. I know I have many enemies (Bandits mostly) but I think we can all agree that if we do not attack in a unified manner, we will all surely perish.

    – Jared Craulnober, Ranger of SilverEdge, student to Drizzt Do’Urden..

  7. Lord_ArchAngel 2012-07-28 at 02:22

    I woke up and saw the eyes of the evil, Mrs Baver was staring RIGHT at me, I was slained but somehow revived.

  8. eololar 2012-07-28 at 07:08

    so thats why i spawned in lava when i logged in next day -_-

  9. illogicalleaf314 2012-07-28 at 10:26

    I would just like to say that I question the morality in destroying Luukerdam and many faction’s old ships. Although I must say, the ruins look awesome aswell xD

  10. outsiderx2 2012-07-28 at 14:09

    Kinda sad I mised this since I was on vacation but sounds like it was a great time for all and gives new purpose to the abandoned lukkerdam area (which I thought was gonna be a new market or something awhile back). Just one suggestion is maybe have one of the elders record these events for the people that can’t attend due to time differences or work. Get more use out of the YouTube page doing that.

    • CRACKPOTATOE 2012-07-28 at 16:43

      That would take too long.

  11. CRACKPOTATOE 2012-07-28 at 16:44

    I’m going to write records of of the Lukkerdam Massacre when 1.3 wtritable books are released :D

  12. blitz792 2012-07-28 at 19:24

    a warning to all bavers shame is not safe it has been wrecked by kingfisher123 who attacked for no reason other than evil is he a worshipper of baver or just a pure jerk well find out next on evening news at 8:00 :/

    • blitz792 2012-07-28 at 19:25

      i have to say though we should have prolly protected it :/ but to kingfisher i wish you would have been more friendly cause i liked you :D

  13. CRACKPOTATOE 2012-07-28 at 22:08

    KingFisher is a noob,everyone knows that :/

    • blitz792 2012-07-28 at 22:18

      well thank you crack for standing by me in this he might have been driven mad by baver so we should cut him a little slack but he has gone a little evil :\

      • dndandan 2012-07-29 at 17:22

        Thats deep

  14. blitz792 2012-07-29 at 19:11

    people i have though of what she might do next if she can capture silverwind she can cut off trade routes between daendroc and cearida and trap many people there as well we must not allow her to do so D:

  15. guandapa 2012-07-29 at 20:44

    sounds cool wish i was there

  16. Phoenix_R3born 2012-07-30 at 01:30

    Screw this.. Go on Vacation for 2 weeks and something awesome happens..

  17. Chask274 2012-07-30 at 04:46

    Mrs.Baver just doesn’t want to leave poor Lewis alone, does she? Also, an organized, unified strike against Mrs.Baver and her minions needs to happen before she gets to Silverwind, or(gods forbid it) Silveredge before it’s too late! The time to rally is NOW!!!

  18. pj13 2012-07-30 at 05:04

    GOD THAT WAS EVIL AND FUN!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. tombbuster321 2012-07-30 at 15:20

    We need to strike soon she is likely weak right now. We need to strike before she has a good chance to recover.

  20. blitz792 2012-07-30 at 18:41

    we need to get through that portal :/

  21. Chask274 2012-07-31 at 05:06

    Agreed. It should lead us to her, and she’ll be weak after such a huge use of power. Attention Elders!!!: There have been several requests to find a way to strike back at Mrs.Baver. Please help us!!

  22. Boom77777 2012-07-31 at 08:54

    I suggest you look under the ruins of the old Lukkerdam prison and i mean look. There maybe a clue Its obsidian gold and redston stuff looks like a circle of somesort.

  23. NordLord1 2012-08-01 at 02:59

    BTW Me and CRACK been happy to report that we have sanctioned a Crusade on vampirism and Mrs Baver. The Massacre victims shall be avenged! Huzzah! I had already led a search party with CRACK the night it happened, but I was killed after falling through a cavern and drowning… = / Alas the rescue party was a success, and the crusade continues.

    • NordLord1 2012-08-01 at 03:01

      – Pope of Cayorianism, Nord the 1st.
      [BTW Cay you can tell me if you dislike my RP religion and my position in it]

      • Chask274 2012-08-01 at 05:23

        Cayorianism has been going on for quite sometime, Cay would have objected before this if he was against it.

      • IllogicalLeaf314 2012-08-01 at 08:45

        Pope? I didn’t vote for you!

  24. tombbuster321 2012-08-03 at 01:30

    Were is the old Lukkerdam prison?? Also is there a way to go to Lukkerdam??

    • blitz792 2012-08-22 at 01:27

      Well there is a way but you have to take a boat and it is a rather logn trip

      • blitz792 2012-08-22 at 01:28

        p.s the picture it shows for my skin is not my actualy skin dont know why it doesnt change lol :P

  25. Fred Truck 2012-08-03 at 03:25

    So, you’re saying that there were GHASTS in SILVER EDGE?

  26. evanis11 2012-08-03 at 19:07

    I was in a bakery at the time. All of a sudden the portal opens up, and Mrs.Baver comes out. i was puched under water and knocked out. next thong i know im waking up in a house at Forodelse, with two big holes in my neck. Everyone things Mrs.Baver herself bit me

  27. Deathkiller180 2012-08-07 at 07:04

    I wish I was there my pc wasn’t working :/ well I am a mrs.baver worshipper I would of helped her >:D all humans die >:D

    • totalepikduk 2013-06-05 at 00:31

      Thank you for letting us know.

  28. W1z4rd_Sn0w 2012-08-09 at 16:41

    dang I wish I was there I was on vacation :(

  29. megamarce 2012-12-16 at 03:29

    It was a long time ago, very long time ago. But i remember what had happened. It was a great festival with food and singers,etc. but then out of nowhere lightning struck and a portal above me spawned in and brought beasts of evil. And Mrs. Baver came too, everyone fighting the beasts. Being the archmage of my faction so i used all my magic to keep the area i was in as a safezone but then Mrs. Baver came and knocked me over to the ocean. I made it back onto land, i had then used my power to save my faction leader, Sollomon666, when i was attacked by a barbaric and fell into the water and drowned. Only to be reborn… about several months since then…..

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