Table of Contents



In general, Lore staff are in charge of creating and managing the lore of the server on the forums, wiki, and in-game, as well as enforcing in-game etiquette and lore-related rules, OOC and IC punishments, and ensuring the success of the lore systems and roleplay organizations. As Game Staff has authority over Survival oriented parts of the server, and so Lore Staff have authority over Regalia and the other Roleplay oriented parts of the server. To upkeep and gain their ranks, points must are recorded in Point Reports Forums or in the case of Roleplay Staff, direct contact with Lore Leads.


All lore staff start out as Roleplay Staff, who have no in-game rank but assist on the forums and in the aspirant documents with character applications and low-level lore work. When lore staff feels Roleplay Staff have contributed enough and have enough of an understanding of the workflow, and if Roleplay Staff are at an appropriate age, they’re promptly promoted to Lore staff and given in-game ranks.

Roleplay Staff are almost exclusively recruited by the Lore staff department leads, who will take recommendations from other members of Lore staff. Great ways to become recruited into Roleplay Staff include: offering peer reviews, becoming a shining example of quality roleplay and in-game leadership, offering a willingness to help others and improve the roleplay scene, doing write-me’s, and communicating frequently with members of Lore staff about aforementioned projects.

Ranked Lore Staff have a history of creating entirely new systems for the community at large. From the notion of Character Sheets to entirely new parts of the Lore to systems for nobility and guards, Lore Staff have long made innovations within the community that have improved the server in a tangible, unique way, and this is a quality the Lore Staff seek to uphold with every “generation” of staff.

Those who do not innovate in this way still serve a crucial function in processing the vast amounts of work created by others, but the ability to create with minimal oversight is always the goal of the Lore Staff. As such, a “prompt pitch” sent to a Lore Lead and approved is all that is required to get to writing, system creating, or otherwise.


Character Application Reviews

There are a number of character applications that need reviewing and approval, and only roleplay and lore staff are able to offer that. The entire process of reviewing an application involves reading it over, offering feedback, working with the player if necessary, then rejecting or approving the application and following the proper protocol thereafter. Since staff to do character applications are in higher demand, point rewards for staff reviews are also increased. Assigning Character Sheets to others is not usually a point-worthy task.

Event Hosting

If a Lore Staff hosts an event (that is to say, hosts an event that draws more people than a common tavern gathering), they will receive 5 points. Only one lore staff can claim the hosting points. Staff should be shooting for 20-30 people in attendance, at the least.

Processing Lore

This includes Write Me Lore, user-submitted lore, and staff submitted lore. Lore that’s sent to the wiki needs to have two people looking it over for our standards of grammar and spelling, lore compliance, and realism. Processing does not get accredited until the work has been published.

Lore Tickets

Sometimes in-game tickets are made regarding lore or roleplay questions. Lore staff have the opportunity to gain points by picking lore tickets. Point accreditation is as follows:

RP System Management

With the varying roleplay groups on the server, managing systems to keep them entertained is a crucial service offered by lore staff. If you have interest in running an existing, old, or entirely new system, contact LumosJared.

Project Management

When a member of staff manages a project, a lot of work gets put into ensuring quality assurance is met, members are managed, and enough output is offered on a consistent basis. Along with any points they may receive from the pieces within the project itself, the following point accreditation applies to the project leaders, to be tallied when the project reaches its conclusion.

Writing Lore

Lore needs to be written, and who better to write it than lore staff? Nonstaff will also receive points for written lore if they ask to be accredited, or if they’re a part of a project. Points do not get accredited until they have been published. It’s already assumed an amount of planning goes into writing before words go on paper. Point accreditation is as follows but may be modified based upon the specific content of an article, taking into account subjects requiring non-standard formatting or extended background work.

Join Staff

We’re always looking for volunteers!