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Git Usage


MassiveCraft uses its own Gitlab instance for its plugins, so if you’re looking to make your own changes you’ll likely want to import the repo elsewhere – I.e. Github.
Contributors within the MassiveCraft team will be given accounts on our Gitlab instance where they’ll be able to have their own fork, and create Merge Requests.

Using Github, for example, you can go to and provide the Repository URL – i.e. You will not need a username or password to do so for our Open-Source plugins.

You can then clone the repository from your own remote fork, and push your changes back as needed.


Whether you’re using a fork as mentioned above, or cloning directly from the MassiveCraft Gitlab, this process will be fairly similar.

Copy your Repository URL, I.e. or [email protected]:yourname/MassiveCore.git

If you’re working with multiple MassiveCraft plugins, we recommend keeping these together in a shared Workspace folder.

Open your git terminal and go to the Eclipse workspace directory where all projects are stored. Then execute the following commands to download and setup your fork.



Before you start coding you should create a new branch. We discourage working on the master branch because you might want to work on multiple features at once. Each feature should have it’s own branch to keep things separated and avoid confusion.


When you have made your changes and think they are ready to be pulled you should create a commit.


While you work on your commit other commits are probably pulled into upstream, leaving your work a bit outdated. So before requesting that your commit be pulled you should “rebase” which is a form of update. Rebasing is painless most of the time but sometimes you will have to do some manual conflict resolution if another commit changed the same files as yours.

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