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We have recently been suffering alot from players practicing corrupt and shady business concerning the rules and reporting other player. Here is a list of behavior patterns you should avoid if you don’t want to be one of them. Remember when witnissing/suspecting/having evidence of rulebreaking to report it to the nearest staff member. A clean hack/cheat/abuse free server starts with you. We as the staff can only do so much if there are players who are actively intentionally or unintentionally disrupting our work.

What not to do:

  • Have evidence of a player abusing or cheating but not show it to staff member untill you have an argument with said player over something trivial and report them as form of revenge. We look down upon “revenge-reporting”.
  • Know of a permanently banned player using an alt in your faction/another faction but fail to report it. Do yourself a favor and turn the ban-evader in, if we discover malcompliance the concerquences will not be good.
  • Know of a glitch/bug/abuse of any plugin or mechanic and fail to report it. Seriously report it.
  • Share knowledge of a glitch/bug/abuse to other players after or before having reported it. Just because you have reported it doesn’t make it allright to use or spread the word about it. This is bannable.
  • Report someone for something and then do whatever you reported said player for yourself. Hypocritical reporters always get more severe bans.
  • After having gotten banned, reporting a bunch of players for abuses/rulebreaking in an attempt to get unbanned. Seriously, report these people before and don’t stash up a log of rulebreakers in an attempt to get goodwill with the staff during an unban procedure, it never works.

What to do:

  • Report bugs/glitches/abuses, especially when it concerns duping. In many cases of a previously unreported bug/glitch/abuse, we reward the player who made a proper reproducable report, and it leads to a bugfix.
  • Report players as soon as they break a rule, don’t sit on the evidence and wait for a time when you can blackmail them. Sometimes if you wait too long our logs are wiped and we can no longer prove a certain act without large amounts of evidence.
  • Don’t hide a banned player in your faction as an alt. If you want to help your friend, encourage him to write up a ban apeal or help him with it.

Reporting other players happens in complete confidentiality, staff members will not reveal your identity to the person you reported or anyone else. Only staff members can see your reports.


p.s all these points have been taken from cases staff members have had to deal with in the past 3 weeks.


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One Comment

  1. Imboring56 2013-02-04 at 20:52

    This will probably clear up a lot of the incidents that wil happen later on. Thank you MonMarty!

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