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Lately we have been receiving an alarming amount of reports and executed an alarming amount of bans for players  concerning the use of flyhacks, aimbots and in particular the use of the client patch Nodus. We’re writing up this post to help some issues out of the way, and properly inform people of the concerquences of using these things.

As per our anti cheat and abuse rule, using any form of hack or cheat mechanic will get you permanently banned. Usually we may give a second chance if a player is permbanned for another reason and the reason is not severe, but permbans over the usage of hacks and cheats will never receive a second chance. We don’t accept any sort of excuse for the usage of nodus or any other cheats. We have often heard the following excuses:

  • I only use it on other servers.
  • I don’t even know how to install hacks on minecraft.
  • I don’t even know what nodus is.
  • My little brother did it.

None of these excuses are accepted, your minecraft and your account is your own responsibility. 

So, don’t use cheats or hacks. Not only does it make you a sad person, if we find you using them you will be banned forever without a chance to apeal your ban.

P.S On a more general note towards unbans: Don’t ever say “I was going to buy premium” We are not desperate for money, and mentioning that will most likely get your ban apeal instantly locked.

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  1. BigBellyBuddah 2012-09-29 at 11:29

    Read and understood.

  2. Imboring56 2012-09-29 at 11:30

    Got it.

  3. Illogicalleaf314 2012-09-29 at 11:41

    This post scared me so much that I deleted optifine, just to be safe…

  4. madus 2012-09-29 at 13:55

    hmm what is nodus?
    and can i be banned if i have toomanyitems installed? it can only be used in ssp but i have to be sure

    • MonMarty 2012-09-29 at 15:10

      Toomanyitems is okay, I think it comes with tekkit as well. Tekkit and spoutcraft are totally okay, in fact we encourage the use of spout.

      • maiarbat 2012-10-02 at 02:32

        I use spout!

  5. blitz792 2012-09-29 at 15:15

    If we dont use spout atm but need something to help whith lag and other things can we use optifine because it is not a cheat or hack it just gives a few extra features like spout and offers a better gameplay experience

    • Blitz792 2012-09-29 at 15:17

      p.s sometimes my skin is glitched to look like that ^ dont know why though at least it does it on fourums have diff skin ingame

    • maiarbat 2012-10-02 at 02:33

      spout ad far as i know doesnt have optifine

  6. JK616 2012-09-29 at 17:00

    What if you are framed for hacking? I was just wonder

    • JK616 2012-09-29 at 17:01

      …Ing. wondering.

      • JK616 2012-09-30 at 04:37

        No response?

        • KyleDinny 2012-09-30 at 12:34

          I doubt someone will get framed, because they need proof, It wouldnt be good if someone said ‘Look he/she is flying!’ it wouldnt be fair if they got banned when they were not.

    • igel_son 2012-09-30 at 18:20

      We ban people we have proof on, or have seen ourself. We are very careful not banning a player on rumors.

  7. KyleDinny 2012-09-29 at 17:02

    Dayum, I was so stupid for using hacks but In a way I deserve it it showed me that It will ruin not only mine but other peoples fun, so yes I do deserve a ban, and If I ever get unbanned [Probably not] I will use this lesson and think not only twice but three times before ever using hacks again.

    • KyleDinny 2012-09-29 at 18:31

      Also out of curiousity why is there no second chance for hackers? I just want to know.

      • madus 2012-09-29 at 19:54

        cuz then will the most just cheat again and ruin the gamplay again. i think it is therefore

        • KyleDinny 2012-09-29 at 20:15

          But I have learnt my lesson I wont do it again, and if they do it again they will get banned again? I just want to play massivecraft all my freinds are on it :(

          • madus 2012-09-30 at 06:10

            still you can just lie and then you maybe cheat without anyone know it.

          • j3r3my 2012-10-01 at 17:43

            Why did you cheat from the beginning then? lol

          • KyleDinny 2012-10-01 at 18:47

            I was special and I thought it was a good idea at the time by the way
            BIGGG MISTAKE D:

  8. 05rhardy 2012-09-29 at 19:04

    Optifine, TMI, Modloader and mods that prevent client side lagg are generally Okay. If said mod however has features to improve YOUR gameplay over EVERYONE elses, then it’s illegal, pretty much.

    • KyleDinny 2012-09-29 at 22:08

      Does this mean I will never get unbanned for using hacks? Or is there hope of me getting unbanned?

  9. KyleDinny 2012-09-29 at 20:14

    So Ill never get unbanned :'(

    • madus 2012-09-30 at 06:10


      • KyleDinny 2012-09-30 at 10:10

        But they will just find you out again.. :O

  10. Dexeron 2012-09-30 at 12:47

    I know of friends that were kicked often because they had Mods on their client (not Malicious Mods) such as Smart Moving.

    I don’t even use any of these things, I either use Spout, Vanilla or Tekkit, but this is really a question for my knowledge and information to others

    If one were to use a Singleplayer mod like Smart Moving and the system were to identify it as cheating, would they be permabanned?


    • MonMarty 2012-09-30 at 20:37

      With hacks, we mean stuff like xray, aimbot, flyhacks, speedhacks, invisibility and other such things.

      • KyleDinny 2012-10-01 at 18:49

        Yes, moral of the story kids dont use hacks it will just ruin your rights to join the server and make you a unrespected person who no-one trust to give another chance on the server, like me ;)

  11. KyleDinny 2012-09-30 at 17:01

    Well tbh I used hacks becauseI could have sworn people used hacks like criticals because people would take like 2 hearts off me when I am in full armour

    • madus 2012-09-30 at 18:14

      have you ever heard about skils or enchantments

      • KyleDinny 2012-10-01 at 18:47

        You cant enchant a hand

        • Kapry 2012-10-02 at 11:35

          Unarmed skill gives extra damage for your fists.

    • happybob123 2012-09-30 at 23:28

      i would also suggest not posting here but on the fourms under ban appeals because posting here just anoys people and makes it so you would never get unbanned

  12. Thedric 2012-10-01 at 05:40

    Haha, my little brother did it, is such a classic ;D

    • igel_son 2012-10-01 at 17:21

      lulwoot? :S

  13. Mecharic 2012-10-01 at 15:17

    Well, that’s interesting. I’m not comp-savvy enough to use hacks anyway lol.

  14. madus 2012-10-01 at 18:54

    1 What is aimbot?
    2 what is nodus?
    3 can my little sister be used (i have no brother)

    • KyleDinny 2012-10-01 at 21:03

      1. Aimbot is a hack that will automatically scroll over/aim at someone without moving your cursor
      2. Nodus is a client patch client that will give you hacks and give you a unfair adavnatage on people (NOT suggested)
      3. That question is generally just stupid :P

      • madus 2012-10-02 at 05:10

        Ok number 3 is stupid but i not have any brother

        • KyleDinny 2012-10-06 at 22:53

          Yeh, my hacks aint touching the bin folder of minecraft :P

  15. madus 2012-10-06 at 16:46

    are zoom mods a hack?
    i am asking before i install one

    • Kapry 2012-10-06 at 21:09

      Well, they give you a great advantage as you can spot enemys easier, but iam not sure aswell, you should ask it in the forum.

      • Illogicalleaf314 2012-10-08 at 23:47

        Optifine contains zoom, and it has been stated already here by a moderator that it is allowed, so I guess that means yes.

  16. BabaManga 2012-10-08 at 18:39

    *casually twerks*

  17. Emily 2012-10-08 at 21:25

    I was on your server playing as usual, finished up and left. I later tried to play your server again only to find out I had been banned for flyhacking while I was not playing. I would understand if I cannot have a second chance, but seeing as I did not use flyhacking, I think it’s worth it to ask.

    • TechPac624 2012-10-18 at 00:25

      try goin to the forum and starting an account, thats the only way youll get help

  18. zackwitt2442 2013-01-01 at 19:53

    i was joking arround when i said i had notice or however u speelit and i was banned

  19. dusange227 2013-04-30 at 04:53

    6 months ago i got perm banned and just becuase i scammed 2 people and now all my frriends play on massivecraft and i have been banned for a looooong time please reply i really want to play on massivecraft again it is such an awsome server.

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