Table of Contents
Massivecraft has rolled out its newest set of chat channels to enhance and improve communication for players and staff in-game. We know how important channels are for getting people here and there, for talking without disturbing others and generally for feeling a part of the community and so the tech gurus have released 3 new channels for you to enjoy.
PVP is a new chat channel made specifically for PvP members of the community but can be accessed by anyone. It has been made to re-route PvP related discussions, debates and issues away from General chat.
We know PvP can be frustrating and sometimes you just need to vent, goad, or otherwise challenge your opponents! Staff believes that you should have the right to take those issues into a chat in a way that does not affect other players or fill up the main chat channel and so PVP chat will allow you to do that.
Please note the following about PvP Chat
PvP Chat Cooldowns: same as global chats 60s non-prem 30s prem
PvP Chat Rule Violations:
No severe personal insults towards others
No excessive cursing towards another player
No doxxing threats, no actual doxxing
No severe sexism
No severe racism
No trying to cause mass-panic
No severe political, religious or insensitive comments
No advertising competing servers
You can access this chat by typing “/c join pvp” or “pvp:” or “p:”
RP-OOC is a new channel that acts like a General chat for Roleplayers. It allows people to ask questions, request roleplay or discuss RP events without disturbing ongoing RP. This chat channel is accessible to all but will be used specifically for Roleplay topics and discussions.
If you’re looking for someone to roleplay with, looking for the location of an event or want to ask a friend about something related to their character, this is the perfect channel for you.
You can access this chat by typing “/c join RP-OOC” or “RP-OOC:” or “o:”
World Broadcast
World Broadcast is an announcement channel very similar to the Broadcast channel in that only staff members will be able to use it but all players will be able to read it, the main difference being that whereas Broadcast is universal, World Broadcast will only be seen by players in the world that it is announced in.
This channel is brilliant for events and world-specific information that will allow important announcements to be seen without bothering anyone it isn’t relevant to.