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Lucas Horraswroth, new reporter for the Daily Creeper reporting from Regalia, with Ser Moriarty Kade, Chancellor of Regalia with him.

With the various events happening across Aloria, it only makes sense that there are some turmoils occurring in Regalia itself as well. So I, Lucas Horraswroth, am here to bring you this interview with the Chancellor of Regalia, Ser Moriarty Kade.

Lucas: How would you describe the current state of Regalia?

Ser Kade: Regalia is, as usual, stable. We are experiencing an economic boom and our military cannot be matched! However, balance of power in Regalia is… sliding.

Lucas: How do you plan on dealing with these political difficulties?

Ser Kade: Positioning The Dragons as I, my father, and my grandfathers before me always have: as the center that tries to work with everyone. We hope to gather support for our goal.

Lucas: What would this goal be?

Ser Kade: We wish to counteract the radicalizing tendencies forming in some of the other political factions of Regalia.

Lucas: The Dragons… Would you mind explaining the political factions of Regalia?

Ser Kade: Certainly, I am head of the “Dragons” faction, a faction in the Senate that keeps everything together. We often propose compromises between the other factions. These other factions include the religious “Order of Dawn”, the militant “Iron Bulwark, the royalist “Purple Faction”, the populist “Red faction” and the merchants guild is know as the “Golden Sigil”. Without us, The Dragons that is, the whole senate would most likely fall into disarray and dismantle the fine political balance in the realm.

Lucas: You mentioned “radicalizing tendencies”, what do you mean by that?

Ser Kade: More and more senators are supporting the Iron Bulwark and Order of Dawn Senate factions, meaning they want to take further actions against non Humans and foreigners. Their policy proposals have often been volatile and violent.

Lucas: I see.. What are your thoughts on these policies?

Ser Kade: As usual, they are destructive. The Dragons have always worked to strike a compromise between the more.. destructive factions involved. For the first time in a very very long time however, the Dragons were outmanuevered by the Order of Dawn and the Iron Bulwark which have created a coalition to outnumber the other factions in the Senate. The return of the Crimson Inquisition is by their hand, and while I agree with the purpose and goal, I do not agree with their methods. The Dragons and the Golden Sigil would have preferred a more passive and peaceful approach, but were outmanuevered by the Senate majority.

Lucas: Hm.. Well, it seems we’re all out of time! Thank you for this interview, Ser Kade.

Ser Kade: You’re very welcome, Lucas. The people should know what is going on.

For those that do not know how to Regalian Senate works: The Senate is composed of the elite of Regalia, old families and princes of the Royal family. The Senate is devided among several factions, the Dragons, Order of Dawn and Iron Bulwark being among the largest interest groups. The composition of the senate constantly changes due to intrigue and plotting from various politicians, but has in the past always held stable due to the central position of the Dragons faction. The Emperor holds full power in Regalia, but leaves the daily running of the Empire mostly to the Senate, as well as referring laws and ruling the capital itself to them.

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  1. Posidem 2013-06-24 at 00:27

    Seems legit.

  2. EyebrowsJ 2013-06-24 at 01:02

    Um, I know we’re not allowed to correct English, but when you say “Ser” do you mean “Sir”?

    • MonMarty 2013-06-24 at 09:31

      Because it is a noun in English.

  3. DasDae 2013-06-24 at 01:30


  4. sevrish 2013-06-24 at 19:51

    “Dragons faction”? ……… -_- so first you tell me I don’t exist, while you fly over spawn. And now your heading a political faction called Dragons?………

  5. Im00ownu 2013-07-04 at 01:06

    What is this “Order of Dawn” im the leader of the faction of Dawn but i have no idea what this “Order of Dawn” is

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