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The Merchant District in Regalia has recently been a major eye sore as well as a logistical horror for the entire staff. Ranging with problems from half of the stalls not being used due to being terrible placed, to many other shops having too low prices and others having too high prices. When Regalia was originally conceived, the merchant district was symmetrical and had an algorithm to the placement of the shops and stalls in relation to the size and distance of the customer’s walking time. Sadly during it’s original concept, a radical change of the road net was pushed trough by some staff members because the district did not look “medieval or pretty enough”. We have theorized for several weeks on how to solve these problems, but could not come up with a good solution to them. Because of this, we took the radical decision of clearing out the entire Merchant District of Regalia on the 7th of August because we see no other alternative to restructuring the district and changing the prices.

  • There will be no refunds on market rent region costs
  • There will be no refunds on player to player transactions. We are aware many shops were traded in between players for thousands of silver, but we never supported this franchise to begin with.
  • All shops will levelled and cleared permanently after the 7th of August, anything left inside the shop will be gone forever.
  • It is up to the players owning the shops to clear their shop before hand.

We regret having to make this decision, but there is no other alternative to solving the problems that will only progressively grow worse as time goes by, and feel this is a high necessity.

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  1. darkev9001 2013-07-21 at 14:34

    i’ll admit, i’ll be happy to see it gone, because everytime i went past it, my computer would freeze and i would have to restart minecraft to even /f home… too many chest shops!

  2. imboring56 2013-07-21 at 15:04

    The real reason players didn’t buy stalls because it was too high. Only the rich players could afford it, and nobody even wanted the stalls that are located in the back, which there were a lot of.

    Finally, I have been waiting for this change. Thanks so much! :)

  3. Black MDK 2013-07-21 at 19:08

    I Must say I completely agree with change, question is what will replace market district?

  4. tom633 2013-07-22 at 02:27

    I’m glad to see the market district go. The new market district, in my opinion, should be a massive square with a fountain in the middle.

  5. kyzo123 2013-07-22 at 07:07

    Mabye we need a Prospera type island again? Or is that just as bad.

  6. cagenminecraft 2013-07-23 at 03:52

    Hopefully this will also clear out the Regalia lag issues…

  7. EternalDragon91 2013-07-28 at 03:25

    I’m sad to see it go but the stalls did cause a lot of lag even on good gaming computers the main reason for the lag would be the signs all the signs over loaded graphics i know spoutcraft you could turn sign distance down to 8 and that helped a lot with the lag

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