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Moneygames, Lotteries, Silver give-aways and other such games are no longer allowed on the server unless hosted by server staff at special events. Not only does announcing these games cause considerable spam in the global chat, they lack oversight and rerstraint on all sides, nor can we guarantee a protection against possible large scale spam. 

This change is specifically aimed at Lotteries but since some players will try to find some creative ways around this definition, we define this ban as “ban on moneygames as defined by the server staff”. If you are unsure wether something is defined as a moneygame, ask an admin. If you see somoene running a moneygame trough alliance chat or other closed channels, please report said person.

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  1. Jared4242 2013-01-08 at 15:57

    Are auctions in trade chat still allowed?

  2. mulligan3000 2013-01-08 at 16:19

    Thank you, good sir :D

  3. outsiderx2 2013-01-08 at 17:16

    Wouldn’t see why they would say no to someone doing it within their own faction. Seems like they are aiming towards stopping the ones that disrupt global chat and COULD be a huge scam

  4. thecacher 2013-01-09 at 08:24

    Personally i think this is a rather dumb rule. Instead of making everything regarding gambling of any sort bannable, there should be a channel where lottery announsments and other forms of gambling can be posted. If one does’nt like this they should not
    participate, this is in some forms a nice thing that brings people together and should be allowed. On the other hand, scamming will ofc be a part of this but a solution of this could be a Advertising message saying “Do not trust all gamblers and lotteries, they can sometime scam you” New players should learn the hard way as everyone else have been doing for all time! I still think alot of players liked the gambling part of the roleplay. I hope i made my point clear. -thecacher

    • madus 2013-01-11 at 14:18


  5. strider6106 2013-01-09 at 10:22

    Yay! The (somewhat) peacefulness of global is preserved!

  6. Mecharic 2013-01-09 at 19:42

    I don’t particularly like this idea… It just seems to me as though you have overreacted to something that could have been solved in a million different ways, tbh. You’ve also destroyed part of the economy, a part that was swiftly becoming more commonplace.

    My suggestion is to instead add a lotto plug in of some sort, or failing that, do what has been suggested above and create a lotto chat ‘L:’. If people don’t want to participate, just leave the channel. As for scamming, you run the risk of being scammed every time you buy something from someone in person, there is no reason that this should be treated so specially for scamming. Unless all non-chest trade is forbidden as well…

    Just my 2 centz.

  7. D4ishi 2013-01-10 at 12:17

    I just wondered, how long this practice of lotteries and raffles will be tolerated. They was no transparency, no control. Who knows that the organizer really paid the winnings or just gave it to a friend of him. Even it wasn’t “scam”, you wouldn’t know your winning chances. Pay 1 Silver for an 1 in 10000 chance to win 100 Silver? That would be a bad deal, wouldn’t it?

    Also you can’t compare lottery scam with regular scam. When you are scammed in a regular trade, you know it and tell other people about it. Additionally you might report highvalue scams.

    In lottery, however, you have almost no possibility to recognize someone scamming you. Also the small values of the raffle tickets between 0.1 to 1 Silver would undermine the highvalue scam ban, although the scammer promised prizes of >100 Silver and never pays. He would also just make a friend declare, that he won.

    I would appreciate the idea of having a server-lotto carried out by a server plugin and supervised by server stuff. Also every Silver for the tickets should go to the jackpot, rendering it non-profit. And it would be transparent, so you know excactly what chances you have.

    Best regards

    • Mecharic 2013-01-10 at 15:05

      I personally think that lottos should not be non-profit, then there is no reason for users to do them. Perhaps 1/2 of the earnings goes into a pot that has a start value of some sort?

  8. strider6106 2013-01-12 at 06:02

    Ok, so moneygame call outs in global are gone, but now they have been replaced by the even more frequent call outs of “CTF at siege!!!”. It is a pain…

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