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Creeperween Baver Siege

Creeperween Baver Siege

Last night, Mrs. Baver’s army besieged the fairground of Creeperween, causing a whole united army of many factions to make a stand and fight back her demonic forces. Many of the brave soldiers and citizens of the many continents were slain in battle as blazes, creepers, and hundreds of spiders descended on the fair grounds to kill all. The eventually victorious forces were able to subdue most of the hostile monsters and push them back into the castle where all the chaos started. Shortly afterwards, the fighters managed to push the forces back to the alter, where Priestess Farria closed the gateway with mending magic. The last remnants of the forces were quickly dispatched to make the fair grounds safe once more, but for long?

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  1. CRACKPOTATOE 2012-11-05 at 04:33

    We gave em a right beating back, I doubt she’ll try anything like that again for a while. We the victorious secured the areas and took victory photographs afterward.

    Was a great night, had lots of fun. :D

  2. Froggmann5 2012-11-05 at 05:43

    Hey look… There are two people standing on the roof above the skull with glowing green eyes… Wonder who those two could be? :P

    Hint: (Imdgreatest and Froggmann5)

    • Alignz 2012-11-06 at 22:34

      Frog which one is you above the glowing eyes?

  3. Alignz 2012-11-05 at 12:19

    Dang it what time was that i got off because nothing was going on!

  4. Mecharic 2012-11-05 at 12:53

    Aww, I missed it! lol, it’s an awesome write up though!

  5. NordLord1 2012-11-05 at 15:04

    I should get me ol’ Pope hat on and start the Crusades all over again. :P

  6. Lizardbones 2012-11-05 at 15:49

    Dang It! I’m sorry I missed this. I need to get on European time or something.

    • MonMarty 2012-11-05 at 19:54

      It was actually at 5 Am my time haha

  7. outsiderx2 2012-11-06 at 17:40

    Bah…This must have happened right after I signed off because nothing was going on at all. No allie chat…no global…nothing…BAH

  8. Undrask 2012-11-06 at 20:06

    Was an awesome event!

  9. xshortbusx 2012-11-07 at 13:21

    I was there ,that was so much fun. I have never seen so many massivecraft ppl in one place. The massive mobs was the best. This event was a big success.

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