Table of Contents

Hello everyone!
We have some news! MassiveCraft has been officially updated to 1.12! This means you get access to several of the new blocks that provide a wonderfully colorful expansion to the already sizeable choices we have for decoration! Concrete and terracotta are wonderful to have added to our build repertoire. We hope to see you use these blocks soon! However, with the update comes new bugs! Be sure to report any and all bugs here so that we may swiftly swoop down upon them like a mighty hawk and do whatever else it is hawks do to the bugs, thus removing and/or fixing them!
Up next on the list are some brand new recipes in our custom recipe system! Three in total. Podzol, Prismarine Shards, and Prismarine Crystals!
1xGravel Block
4xGrass Blocks
4xBirch Leaves
Prismarine Shards
1xLapis Lazuli Block
Prismarine Crystals
1xGlowstone Block
8xPrismarine Shards
Go ahead and get crafting! These recipes are LIVE in the system right now and kicking. These hard to attain items should now be much easier to access. No more guardian hunting!
And lastly, this is a big one, we have extended the duration of MassiveRestore in the survival worlds to SIX WHOPPING MONTHS! Why is this a big deal? You now have a much longer period with which to loot and claim forsaken ruins lost to the waves of time. Or cracks of time… Rays of time? SOMETHING OF TIME! Get out there and get looting! So much more to see, so much more to pillage, so much more to burn! However, do keep in mind that griefing rules still apply. It is fine to strip a town down for parts, but if you make a hole just for the sake of making a hole, it is not allowed. Fear not though! Something slowly killing you on the inside as you slowly learn reality is just a construct of your own imagination because you have to stare at it everyday on the dynamic map? If you feel something looks terrible and is in the wilderness, simply make a ticket so the land can be restored by a staff member! Lets get the land looking spic and span and clean!
Have a Massive day!

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