Table of Contents
Firstly, we have just opened a new position within the MassiveCraft team known as Trusted players; these players will help answer your questions and bring more bright ideas for the future. Another important role for these players is to monitor the chat for inappropriate language and other things you wouldn’t want to see in global chat.
We have also changed the roles of half-mod, moderator and admin. Although the only difference is the name and the colour of their names in chat, half moderators also known as apprentices were used as a test for possible moderators. These players are now known as Keepers; they will also help answer your questions and come up with new ideas but they can also help you with more complex problems you may have.
The final change is that moderators and administrators are now known as Elders; Help with more serious problems e.g. griefing, client side hacks/cheats, we can help you with almost everything and normally deal with big incidents like griefing and client side cheats/hacks.
So a quick overview of what we changed:
- Trusted Chat Monitor and Basic Help
- Keeper Help with smaller problems e.g. removing of private signs.
- Elder Help with more serious problems e.g. Griefing, client side hacks/cheats.
Just remember we are all happy to help with any problems or queries you may have.
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I will be trusted if you want too. I’ve been on server for 7 months, and I’m willing to do it.
spelling mistake in title… massivecarft should be massivecraft
Jack you still have to be 16+, don’t you?
No idea.
yes you still hafve to be aged 16+ to apply.
Unmmm. A little off topic, it says my IP adress is unsafe… :((((( I’m freaking out since I may never be able to go on again :((((
send an email to [email protected] with more infomation on this issue, if it is not yet resolved.
The original idea was “helper” and that idea was my idea
No, The original idea was “staff representative” and that was my idea months ago.
i sent a idea with the “helper” rank to [email protected]
Thats great, i will allways help the server, but i dont need to be a trusted person.
Mabye there should be a Non-Premium Trusted and a Premium Trusted rank?
So if you have premium you could make portals and such when you are trusted, and when you have the non-premium trusted you cant?
There actually is already. A trusted player may or may not be premium.
It shouldnt be the task of a trusted player to make portals for non premiums. Portals are a premium feature, if now trusted players would start building portals for non premium people, then where would be the point to make it a premium only feature?
If a trusted makes a portal for a non premium this does not necessarily mean he is making the portal “as a trusted” but “as a premium”.
Remember that being a trusted does not exclude you from being a player, not everything a trusted does is solely done from being a trusted.
not all trusted are premium
okay.. i started an argument.. bad me
what does it take to get the trusted rank?
I would like to be a trusted. I’ve helped quite a few people with some small problems that they’ve had while playing on the server and I’ve answered a lot of their questions about rules and “how to” types of things. So if you are looking for any more Trusted people I would be glad to help out.
Some people you could ask about me; __Taylor__, bytesgallore89… um I can’t think of any more right now, but I assure you that there are plenty of others.
the best way to conntact them is [email protected] and if you send the stuff there it gives them a way to conntact you thats not here so they can have a privet conversation with you
So how to be promoted or promote for that
Love how you have time to set up new names for existing jobs but can’tcheck out the dailycreeper article even when we give you the link and say ‘this is what we want in the article please’. Can you please check it out (use the search feature if you want to), and add it to the Daily Creeper since I can’t myself?
We actually added a rank and reworked the permission for the existing two.
Cool idea…good step in the right direction
am i allowed to applie for a rank
i have bad news youer sever has the dead brother of notch he kill me in a adbandined mineshaft on youer sever
Herobrine do not exist and i have checked the porfile herobrine have not played on the server.
in all patch update it spell herobrine removed. it can be a herobrine bot. i have saw one in minecraft 1.1