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MassiveCraft has released its official Regalia Sneakpeek Trailer! Watch it on our official Youtube channel, in 1080p! The video features nearly 3 minutes of Regalia footage, large scenery and all rendered in beautiful shaders with far viewing distance. Regalia is soon prepared for release, here are some of the highlights:

  • BuyRegion will be replaced by AreaShop as the new house rental plugin. This new plugin features options such as being able to sell your own property, adding your friends to your house, teleporting to your house, due payment warning and much more!
  • Regalia’s total house market has been increased twice fold with a total of 280 common Regalian housing, 80 Poor district housing and 15 island houses. More districts will be added at later stages!
  • Due to new restore technology from snapshot, gone are the days of disorganized and construction zone Regalia V1. Regalia V2 will always be in it’s prime state.
  • Regalia V2 will be “pre-released” for 3 days after initial release. This means the city is effectively functional, yet you cannot rent houses. After this 3 day period is over, premiums will have first picks at housing properties for a full week. After this week is over, non premiums can also rent house properties.
  • The Regalian wilderness is currently still empty, but will feature many expansions over the next months as more additions are added to keep Regalia interesting.
  • Regalia’s performance has been increased five times! New intelligent building techniques allow us to eliminate lag and FPS issues.

Regalia will be released within the coming days, along with guides on how to use the new rental plugin.

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  1. EliteBiometric February 20, 2015 at 13:46


  2. BBBPvP February 20, 2015 at 13:46


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