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Sarah Mundew, twenty-four year old reporter from Regalia, sat down with Ser Thomas Kade at the Crimson Inquisition HQ

Thomas Kade is a member of the Kade family, son of Ser Kade and brother of the Chamberlain. He was recently charged with leadership of the Inquisition and has changed the way we view the Crimsons a rather substantial amount so far.

After many executions, many raids and even more riots caused by the Crimson Inquisition, I, Sarah Mundew, decided to go and speak with Thomas Kade, Grand Master of the Crimson Inquisition about these recent events and the latest developments of the Inquisition itself!

Sarah: There have been many reports that the Crimson Inquisition will soon target other races, such as undead. Is this true?

Thomas Kade: Heavens no. The Crimson Inquisition was brought into Regalia by the Senate to target Vampires, and Vampires only. No other race should fear our force.

Sarah: Have you executed any Non-Vampires?

Thomas Kade: Yes, yes we have. This however was intentional. Anyone who supports the Vampires, harbours them or in any way attempts to damage the Crimson Inquisition will be treated with the same amount of judgement as a Vampire itself.

Sarah: I see… Have there been any forces who have attempted to bring down the Inquisition?

Thomas Kade: Funnily enough, yes there has. A few nights ago I heard rumour of a cult forming at the Emperors Tavern in Regalia. I immediately dispatched towards the public building along with a squadron of my men and immediately detained the group at the Tavern. One or two Vampires supporters managed to escape and attempted to class the meeting as a trap for the Inquisition, however they were the ones who were detained, and nothing to us has changed.

Sarah: Haha, unfortunate for them. Anyway, there has been rumours that you yourself are infected with the Vampiric Virus, is this correct?

Thomas Kade: Of course not. That is insane. How could the GrandMaster of the Inquisition be a Vampire? Haha, funny. I will admit that a few nights ago during a Vampire execution I was looking and feeling slightly queasy, however upon medical review, it turned out to be nothing more than a simple cold.

Sarah: What do you say about the Mrs Baver attack on the Crimson Inquisition the other evening?

Thomas Kade: The attack was rather feeble by the Beheasal and has damaged us none. The attack has only spurred us forward further. These kind of attacks are precisely what we were brought in to prevent. We will not be affected by this attack.

Sarah: What will you do now to develop the Inquisition further?

Thomas Kade: We will soon be given permission to set up barricades around the exits of Regalia, we will monitor any and all activity on people entering and exiting the city, along with testing them for the Virus. We will set up blockades around each sewer entrance and place guards around every public building. Raids and patrols will be set out every evening and more and more executions and trials will occur.

Sarah: I see… Well Ser Kade, that’s all we have time for. Thank you very much for coming!

Thomas Kade: You’re very welcome Miss Mundew.

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