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Well, it certainly was interesting! The roleplayers of MassiveCraft had a blast as they watched the satirical and nonsensical Winter Play, an in-character event that featured a mix of classic holidays themes, with a spin from our own roleplay universe!

The play chronicled the misadventures of Androoge, and the audience went through stages of confusion, anger, and fear as our fine actors graced us with all manner of special effects and compelling dialogue! It was a refreshing break from the serious events that we have seen in our roleplay universe recently, and ended with the stage catching fire as some members of the audience fled in terror, while others continued to criticize the performance of the over-the-top actors.

This was the second to last roleplay event in the MassiveCraft Winter Festival. Get ready for The Winter Ball on January 3rd, 2PM PST, which will sure to be a blast, and a great way to wrap up the festival!

Winter Play1

Winter Play Screenshot

Winter Play Screenshot

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