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So we have installed the WAR plugin on the server and we launched 2 WAR arenas to fully test it. We hope you will enjoy the arenas we have built and the new kind of PvP this plugin brings. So if you want to do some good old fashioned team combat you should travel to the War Hub in Silverwind.

Do /warp plaza and go to the right when you exit the building, enter the building with 2 swords on the roof and enter any of the portals.
Inside the new WAR arenas there are pre-set classes (you pick class by sneaking) and we have disabled MCMMO, Races, Vampirism and inventory to try to balance the arenas.
Some of the game modes we currently have are Capture The Flag (CTF), Bomb planting and Team Death Match (Team DM).
Here are the current arenas we launched:

The Siege


IceFest is now closed and we hope you all had a good time celebrating the winter holidays with us during this event. It all ended with a few awesome firework shows :D And talking about fireworks, we here at MassiveCraft hope you all get a…

Happy New Year!


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  1. Eololar 2012-12-31 at 17:04

    Cheers! happy new year!

  2. mulligan3000 2012-12-31 at 20:52

    Those arenas are pretty cool :D Thanks!

  3. outsiderx2 2013-01-01 at 14:47

    It’s a bit buggy. I played and it seemed like I just kept getting team switched and was hard to keep up with what team I was on. Also random deaths seem to be pretty common.

    • ninjabaver 2013-01-01 at 15:49

      “we launched 2 WAR arenas to fully test it.”
      We do the best we can but as we said we are still testing them :)

  4. Chris_Knight 2013-01-02 at 01:09

    I have not tried it yet, so correct me if I’m wrong, but this looks like a Call of Duty style game.

    • Chris_Knight 2013-01-02 at 01:15

      Also, It would be cool to make a map with 2 ships, I believe Luukwullink made an arena like that once, but I doubt it still exists.

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