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Feels like we have been sailing for days, weeks, even months. All we ever see is water, when i wake up i see water, when i try to go to sleep i can hear water plunging the sides of the ship. I don’t even feel like drinking it anymore. Ever!

Laura and her crew seem confident. They sing and dance between or even during the labours of the ship. Myself? I just long to feel steady ground under my feet again.

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  1. SYkO 2012-03-24 at 16:06

    Cute Dog :)

    • ulumulu1510 2012-03-24 at 16:44

      The dog is awesome!

  2. PiperJ 2012-03-25 at 02:57

    While we’re all aware you’re still working on the new worlds, I think we all appreciate the continued teasers and updates through news stories.

  3. Jackamatack 2012-03-25 at 03:08

    Land ahoy soon? :D

  4. BornaSepic 2012-03-25 at 10:23

    Cmon i cant stop at looking of that skin its to good :D can i haveit :P

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