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This week, Direction focused on a variety of projects.

  • LumosJared focused on upcoming Buycraft changes, lore updates, individual direction, staff complaints, and game policy reforms.
  • MonMarty focused on lore updates, roleplay events (including the large scale one this week in the Garden) and upcoming world updates.

We are back in action! Several members of Game Staff have recently been unavailable while handling commitments, so progress on projects has been slow. We are beginning to get back to work in full force in preparation for Summer! This update will be brief, and a more detailed one will come:

  • Here are our plans for the near future:
  • Kingdoms Release: the update to Factions which will only be available on MassiveCraft!
  • Sieges: a PVP oriented plugin extension to Kingdoms.
  • MassiveVillagers: our own minor spin on Villager trading!
  • Main Website Updating: several outdated pages will be updated to provide the most accurate information.
  • Vote Crate Items: we have made dozens of new Lore and Faction oriented items which will appear in the Vote Crates!
  • The first part of the Minecraft 1.17 update is coming this Summer! We are beginning to plan how to implement the item items such as copper, amethyst, and deepslate into the server!

World Updates

World System Updates:

Roleplay Updates

  • Imperial Respect Knights can submit Archipelago Progressions without funding, and also broach the courts of various nobles with impunity and with up to 3 other people, by virtue of their Knightly Order’s prestige.
  • Obviously the system itself started the next season this week, but this part in particular should be highlighted since it means non-nobles can interact with groups now.

Event Updates:

  • Upon one afternoon the Garden of Everchange experienced a portal opening to a newer installed Dragon Installation. The gate was flooded by all manner of Planar and Primal influences, then utilized to fetch information. Only time will tell if what was discovered will entail something greater out of it or not.

Roleplay Updates:

  • Duke Bancroft announces the formal adoption of Valerie du’Triege as his law-sister Valerie Bancroft, meaning Leufred becomes Leufred Bancroft. They move into Shilais and are adopted as members of House Bancroft. Florentin, their child, is now the young Florentin Bancroft.
  • The Lord Chancellor thinks it’s been too long since the last assembly. Next Assembly is Tuesday May the 11th, 6 PM CST

This week work continued on [Redacted]. Quest is always looking for new members, feel free to approach a member of quest staff in game to see if the department is a good fit for you! You can apply here: You can also have a look at our methods on this page:

  • Lazzulai worked on building for [Redacted]
  • Derpadillo worked on mob creation for [Redacted]

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