Table of Contents

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This week, Direction focused on internal staff paperwork and a whole lot of HR and Individual Direction counselling with our 70+ staff members.

  • LumosJared x8: HR, Individual Direction, Internal Document Updates, Points Paperwork, and Recruitment.

This week, Game Staff, as usual, worked on a large variety of systems, but in particular, this week game department hosted additional events and teaked the war decs system.

  • Falconhand x12: Essalonia Rev and Tickets.
  • Sevak x13: Tickets and PVP Systems.
  • Sir_Daragon x10: Staff Training.
  • Anarchizm x3: Helping DM and act in the vampire event hosted by Optimal.
  • Jaehaerys x4: Speedruns and Factions.
  • Winterless 12: Tickets.
  • Sephite x16: System Guidance and leadership.
  • Doriarky x17: Faction Activity.
  • Siosie x3: Faction Restore.
  • Spectriel x13: Game Dept. Leadership Tasks and delegation, HR related tasks, Training Overhaul
  • TinnyTine x2: PVP System.
  • BlueChaos x2: Tickets and War Decs.
  • Talantius x6: Game systems and tickets.
  • Dragonn_ x13: War Decs and Game Systems.
  • Kniferharm x8: Hosted the Jumping Event and Game systems.
  • Pomplemousse x4: New Players Intro.

This week, World made great strides on their various rp and survial themed dungeons projects, while improving regalian districts and the palace, in time for an Imperial Court update.

  • EdnaMode_ x12: Tickets and Petalcourt and Dungeons.
  • Mojaven x3: Tickets.
  • Patsie x2: Dungeons.
  • Timisc x15: Palace work.
  • Seoulmate x8: Weekend Roundup.
  • Bunemma x13: Dungeons and Petalcourt.
  • Yigit x12: Essalonia Spawn.
  • WaterDruppel x10: Petalcourt and Dungeon Builds.
  • Jaehaerys x10: Assisted Yigit in the new Essalonia spawn on the test server earlier in the week which included building roads, terraforming, copying and pasting wall segments, 
    the creation of a gatehouse and more.

This week, Lore Staff primarily handeled Sheets and Tickets, but work was also done to redux the Storyweb System and better communicate with its leaders, as well as streamline successful operations in Storyweb, WIS, and Military Systems.

  • Caelamous x11: Sheets.
  • TheBioverse x23: Sheets.
  • Athelois x4: Discord Tickets.
  • Eccetra x8: Lore Tickets.
  • LumosJared x8: Storyweb Redux, System, Tickets, Writing.
  • BillyTheScroofy x12: Military Progression.
  • WaterDruppel x8: Lore Processing.
  • Katiesc x8: Sheets.
  • Papidacarrot x11: Lore Tickets.
  • Rochelle x2: Tickets.
  • Arendan x20: Sheets.
  • HydraLana x20: Lore Writing and Processing.

This week, Event focused on their usual long string of in-game event hosting, as well as adding Essalonia Spawn vendors that sell a variety of interesting items.

  • Ryria x11: Events and Assisstance.
  • ZiggyStarDusted x8: Tickets.
  • Optimalfriskies x8: Event Acting.
  • Derpadillo x2: Event tasks.
  • Wrongchat x4: Events.
  • GrumpyGirl314 x8: Blessed war quests, Essalonia Spawn Vendors.

This week, PR focused on Spotlight media threats and assisting new players in the system.

  • Anarchizm x18: Assisting new players and welcoming them onto the server. Offering them a proper guide.
  • Battlebrawn x6: Created, formatted and posted a World Spotlight thread with new screenshots and posted/formatted a Roleplay Review thread on behalf of an aspirant.

This week, Tech Staff knocked out all but the last steps of the 1.13 update, and fixed up MinePacks to ensure backpacks and all item transfers go smoothly in the upcoming update.

  • CS_Birb x13: Backups, Testing, Validation and Launch of the upgraded Minepacks version. This took time, as I *really* didn’t want to fuck up anybody’s backpack.
  • RustyTrumbone x3: Blessed War.
  • Derpadillo x4: Added sentiment analysis and performed/shared analysis with department

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