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This week, Direction finished a variety of projects. By sheer coincidence, the staff members who were tasked with doing the World, Quest, Tech, and Game updates had other commitments this morning, so a more beefy update from them will follow next Sunday.

  • LumosJared worked on upcoming financial overhauls of the buycraft and the upcoming sihndar update.
  • MonMarty worked on the World System, rp events, server maintencence, and individual direction.
  • BillyTheScruffy worked on the PR Department and the world system.
  • Birdsfoot_Violet worked on individual direciton and tickets.
  • CS_Birb worked on the 1.17 project, financial overhauls, and misc projects.

Lore Updates:

  • Peace Reign 2 has been adjusted to only last for as long as the caster is within Emote Distance of the Target. It can last indefinitely, if the target consents OOCly though.
  • Hello, we have made a big change to the function of Mythic Shifts and all similiar Transformation Abilities. Basically, we have entirely removed the concept of a “Mythic Shift” and changed it to two new types of Abilities: Full Shifts, and Body Alters.
  • Full Shifts are large, drastic transformations that confer some powers. The new rule associated with these is that you cannot stack them. You can only have 1 Full Shift active at any given time.
  • Body Alters are smaller, toggle-able changes to the body, like growing claws, mutations, etc. You can have as many of these active at the same time as you like, in any combination.
  • Url can have fur covering their entire body instead of just the assigned zones before.
  • We in the PR department are always looking how to better the different aspects on the server, so we’ve created a poll in regards to voting and roleplay. How can we make the process easier for you? Better rewards? Less messages? Let us know! If you’ve filled out the previous poll, go ahead and give us your feedback on this one as well as we’d like to gather as much data as possible!

World System Updates:

  • House Telarel has been terminated from the system.
  • a retroactive change in the Progression system that affects both Geo, and Archipelago: Nobles have a reduced tonnage in warships, because their suzerain states cannot afford three-decker battleship tier fleets (or are not allowed to make ships above a certain tonnage, take your pick), and sure as hell cannot afford Anglian Nautknights. I am enforcing a split between what the state controls in terms of naval tonnage vessels, and what the nobles control. The nobles can still have fleets, but these fleets will be comprised of late galleons and early frigates, not multi-deck battleships, which the Imperial Navy controls. This also means that noble ships (while in theory being usable as auxillary fleets to the Imperial fleet) will not be drafted for the Imperial Navy.
  • Just a quick clarification so the error isn’t made again because next time I will execute characters:
  • Nobody is allowed to bring Armor or weapons into the Imperial Palace, period. It does not matter that the document of conduces says you can, the Assembly hall is in the Imperial Palace, which is Holy Ground (or Imperial Property), which is recorded in the law. The ONLY exception are Regalian Guards (who may only guard the entrance) and Imperial Guards, who have free roam. Any other armored individuals sans weapons will be ejected from the Assembly hall immediately, and anyone with a weapon will be executed on the spot for offending the Emperor.
  • Just to clarify, Charters, Mercenaries, Palests, Nobles, Royal House Guards, House Guards and other such military units are not excempt from this regulation. Your skins will be taken as what your character is wearing to the assembly. If you do not have an un-armored or appropriate skin, just don’t show up.
  • I forgot one small exception: Contingent is permitted armor on site while standing next to the Chancellor. If however continent or guards (including the lord commander) are seating in the noble booths, they may not have armor or weapons.

Event Updates

Roleplay Updates

  • The following Low Law is now High Law
  • It is illegal to infect anyone with any form of Occultism or Aberrancy.
  • This is also now Capital Law as per the assembly.
  • Vast or major destruction of property or vandalism (such as arson), is illegal.
  • This is also now a Capital Law as per the assembly
  • To attempt to break out of prison, or liberate another prisoner, is illegal.

This week the PR staff team has been busy! Most of us have been chipping away at our own personal projects this week, which can all be found in our new handy dandy PR Directory. We discussed project progress at our speedrun and hope to continue that discussion at the department meeting this Sunday.

  • Kirishark submitted the PR round-up, answered tickets, reminded players to vote, finished a player interaction guide, continued research on the podcast project and began working on the MassiveLooks spotlight.
  • FlossyBerryRene has been processing the results of the art competition.
  • Wan_Xia worked on implementing custom 3D modelled entities using resource packs and the Model Engine plugin.
  • Femma reminded players to vote, gathered screenshots for the server and posted to the Massivecraft Twitter and Pinterest accounts.
  • Battlebrawn interviewed another factions leader for the weekly factions spotlight and took pictures of their faction base.
  • Northern_Ireland published a roleplayer spotlight and has been preparing for the next staff member spotlight.
  • IndyFan98 worked on implementing custom 3D modelled entities using resource packs and the Model Engine plugin.
  • Seoulmate did the weekly round up, posted to facebook and posted a PR voting incentive poll.

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