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This week, Direction focused on a variety of projects.

  • LumosJared worked on lore tickets and individual direction.
  • MonMarty worked on the World System, Title Progressions, Maps, Roleplay Events, and Progressions.
  • BillyTheScruffy worked on the Lore Progressions, lore events, the marshalry system and new event areas, and individual direction.
  • Birdsfoot_Violet worked on lore updates, wiki maintenance, the Special Permission System, tickets, and individual direction.
  • CS_Birb worked on the 1.17 project.

This week the PR staff team has been busy! Most of us have been chipping away at our own personal projects this week, which can all be found in our new handy dandy PR Directory. Our speedrun has been postponed to Sunday and we hope to continue that discussion at the department meeting this Sunday.

  • Kirishark submitted the PR round-up, answered tickets, reminded players to vote, continued research on the podcast project and finished the MassiveLooks spotlight.
  • Wan_Xia worked on implementing custom 3D modelled entities using resource packs and the Model Engine plugin.
  • Femma reminded players to vote, gathered screenshots for the server and posted to the Massivecraft Twitter and Pinterest accounts.
  • Battlebrawn made a new survival server cleanup post and worked on the first factions fortnightly thread.

This week, Quest has been working on implementing aspirants first quests to get them a rank in-game, as well as Mythic Mobs creation for an upcoming questline.

  • BeetrootSalad has been working on aspirant training meetings.
  • Derpadillo has been working on Mythic Mobs creations, planning events and abilities for the mobs, and general direction for the department.
  • Iyyiushi has worked on his rank one quest in Essa, Q1 briefing, and Mythic Mobs creation.
  • Wan_Xia has worked on Mythic Mobs creation.

This week for world we worked on a military academy, event set-ups, some clandestine base decorations, crookback decor update, and our usual tasks of regalia upkeep/tickets.

  • EdnaMode Finished decorating the Wylathar Clandestine base. Decorated Emporium shop 2 (Buck ‘n Ear Pawn Shop) with Patsie.
  • Yigit built obstacle courses outside of the new Military Academy, ranging from tummy crawls, jumping parkours and mud pits, as well as built a large and tall watchtower lookout in the midst of the terrain.
  • WaterDruppel worked on estate decoration for the Die Wulfsgarage estate, litvinova Estate with Bunemma, and Scharzhof Estate.
  • SpunSugar worked on the Military Academy. Placed in build, did interior for lecture hall, clinic, smaller classroom, tower. Terraformed the area, changed biome, created tp for the MilitaryAcademy, and placed in region that disallows players to leave.
  • Patsie working on Crookback revamp. Re-did the emporium interior and updated the decorations (More to come soon.). Worked with EdnaMode on empoiumshop2.

This week, tech has been working on various projects:

  • CS_Birb has been working on the 1.17 update, the new staff panel and also been testing changes to the database.
  • XxXYaJrAbXxX has been working on optimising the database working hopefully towards faster load up times, less lag spikes and better performance.
  • Ghirko has been working on the Vampires plugin where she added the mobs that had been missed with updates.
  • XVW has been working on MassiveRaces where the Altalar ultimate has a grace period between strikes as well as fixing bugs within the ability.

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