Table of Contents


This week, Direction met to discuss server hosting, factions-survival future, and other topics.

  • LumosJared reviewed roleplay systems.
  • QGMK hosted Survival Staff meetings, completed Direction paperwork, and performed individual direction for Game staff.
  • Birdsfoot_violet processed paperwork.
  • BillyTheScruffy performed PR department oversight and direction.


This week, Game has been working on several projects:

  1. In preparation for Kingdoms, we are making changes to alt factions. Alt factions will have a designated flag preventing them from joining a Kingdom. Please fill out this form here to aid us in the process of identifying alt factions.
  2. If you would like to apply to be a Newscaster on our survival community discord, apply here!
  3. Work on the interactive tutorial is open to both staff members as well as players. If you would like to be take part, please check out this document detailing more information.
  4. Claiming faction land is no longer possible while in combat.
  5. The first event of the Spooktober celebration, Build-o-Pumpkin was hosted on the 23rd! The final event, Halloween PvE, will be hosted on the 30th. Be sure to look out for updates sent out in the survival community discord!
  6. Check out the new MassiveCast episode on Factions-Survival featuring QGMK, Derpadillo, and FubeTheMangler.
  7. As per usual, we are continuously assisting our playerbase via tickets (50+) as well as rule enforcement.
  • Rahm_Kota co-hosted the Spooktober halloween event, worked on the faction-leaders’ interactive tutorials, investigated naughty players, and aided players on Discord and in-game.
  • Effloresce_ knocked out a bunch of ingame tickets as well as Discord tickets.
  • Skhosh aided BlueChaos test the war plugin, handled naughty players, reviewed player appeals, and answered tickets.
  • Fiend_of_Massive designed lore items, worked on a faction leaders’ interactive tutorial, and tested mobs with BlueChaos.
  • Qgmk aided and investigated players, handled appeals and reports, configured [REDACTED], revised the upcomming rules rework, and tested bugs.
  • BlueChaos worked on MythicMobs and co-hosted the Spooktober pumpkin carving contest, as well as continued work on [REDACTED].

This week PR has assisted lore with some preparations for the Spooktober Celebrations, you can find the most recent post here. Some members of the team have been working on an entity modelling project, which is still in the works, while others worked on the lore-item revision. The third episode of the MassiveCast is out! You can watch it here. This week we were also joined by some new members, Oblivaify and Goldifish. Welcome!

  • Femma upkept social media posts. Did the PR Roundup and Podcast coordination. Worked on the lore-item revision for the crates with seoulmate. Did some tickets on the server.
  • seoulmate worked on the lore-item revision for the crates and wrote event announcement for lore, uploaded to the youtube and posted to forums/discord/fb.
  • Obilvaify wrote some new welcome messages to be broadcasted when new players enter Essa and Essalonia for their first time.
  • FlossyBerryRene did some podcast editing.
  • indyfan98 worked on a video-guide for Entity modeling with Goldifish.
  • kirishark did some tickets on the server.

We worked on writing and planning for the Ezekiel event. The storylines are submitted and the quest code is next.

Tech (Shrek) has worked on Sieges, Sieges testing, Sieges PTS, Kingdoms code review, MassiveRaces improvements for Kathar, MassiveChat accessibility/color blind settings, and prism enhancements. Check out the Sieges updates that have been sent out in the #sieges-updates channel of the survival community discord.

This week, a lot of work has been put into the Regalian Mainstreet to clean up the destruction the Vampire Crisis has left behind.

  • MonMarty has put in the new Greygate building, entirely revamping the Regalian prison.
  • WaterDruppel and Patsie have been working on the interior for the guard prison, as well as the adjacent bar that received some redecoration.
  • SpunSugar has started working on noble estate interior again, currently reworking the Pommeaux estate.
  • Bunemma decorated another shop on mainstreet, and continues to work on a new dungeon project.


Lore Updates:
Changes Submitted by, MonMarty & Firefan.
The Calderliga Culture has been rewritten from the ground up, with essentially 8.5 pages (4500 words) of new content replacing the old.

Notable changes:
-Their shared history with the New Regalians is completely removed. They are no longer an offshoot, but an equal branch that went more conservative and economic than reactionary and militaristic.
-Lifestyle and Customs is completely overhauled. Patriarchy is dead, Syndicates are in.
-Lots more economic powerflexing on the powers that be.
-Also, the Long Elven War was published too:
-Slizzar max age upped from 180 to 1000. 150+ still requires “old character” spec perm. The spec perm will mostly be aimed at:
– Is this player playing a Slizzar they way they should (political manipulator)
– Is this player hiding their Slizzar’s identity adequately (switching personas, not walking around in sname form)
– Is this player avoiding cute/youtuful rp and able to express a dignified character.

We are making a small amendment to the kill-perm rules, called the “Monster clause” This clause is as followed: “If your character is excessively mutated to the point that (in the review of Staff) they are nearly or exactly indistinguishable from for example Void Monsters, that Guards (of either Regalia proper, or any of the Boroughs like New Crookback) can request Lore Staff Rank 3 for permission to have Character-Kill Permissions”. This would result in the guards having the right to request Kill-Perms on a Character that is wandering around Regalia while being so excessively mutated that they might as well be a Void Monster or Demon.

World System Updates:

No Updates!

Event Updates:
Submitted by MonMarty

The Emperor is very pleased with the recent wave of adults adopting adults as their pseudo children! Such community service and societal responsibility ought to be rewarded, by recognizing the legal position of guardians over adults in the eyes of the law. As such, the following Legal Code has been adopted by the Regalian Empire:

===Legal Code for Adult Adoptions===

The Regalian Legal Code does not recognize full culpability for minors in violations of the law. Minors will still be prosecuted, but not to the full severity of the law. The matter is different for adult adoptions however. The Empire recognizes the social responsibility of adults adopting adults. As such, this Legal Code applies legal responsibility to the parent adopting an adult individual. All crimes committed by adopted individuals who were adopted as adults by other adults, shall also apply to their adopting parent, as if they had committed the crime also, to strengthen social responsibility.

TLDR; Crimes committed by adopted adults shall also apply to their adopting parent!

Roleplay Updates:
Submitted by MonMarty

The Imperial board of investigators have determined that the damage to the Regalian Prison was more severe than anticipated, both in terms of structural damage and infestation of demonic corruption that lingers in some of the stonework. As considerable remodeling efforts will have to be made to undo the damage done by Vampires, the Violet Order will be temporarily housed into the ex-Inquisition headquarters, in the right tower of the Imperial Temple of the All-Beacon of Unionism. The Inquisition headquarters have functional cells and rooms for administration, while the builders take to task cleaning up the prison and remodeling it to prevent future outbreaks of Vampiric assault.

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