- Cayorion, Thortuna x2: (Monday) Server restart meeting. Things were learned. Documentation was written.
- Cayorion, Thortuna, Addrion x1: (Tuesday) Mojang EULA email correspondence. We are now all EULA compliant after removing voting rewards.
- Cayorion x1: (Thursday) Monthly Effort Communication.
- Thortuna: Voting bug report
- Thortuna x2: Bug reports to plugin developer.
- Thortuna x3: Server Restarts
- Thortuna: Rank clearance with Jemsbe
- Thortuna: Rank clearance with Jackson413
- Thortuna: Rank clearance with Sephite
- Thortuna x2: Meeting point handouts
- Thortuna x2: Gamestaff point report
- Gethelp: Combat point report
- Gethelp x2, Thortuna x2: Staff discussion
- Thortuna, Omnomivore: Staff discussion, hiatus discussion
- Thortuna x2, Addrion x2: New Job island brainstorming
- Thortuna, Addrion, Cayorion, Ninjabaver: Job island discussion
- Gethelp: Feature and idea discussion review
- Thortuna, Gethelp: Discussing damage levels
- Thortuna, Addrion, LumosJared: Direction Meeting
- Gethelp x2: Spawn Holograms
- Addrion x2: Quest staff meeting setup
- Addrion: Quest staff direction
- Thortuna: Scheduled some Changelogs for the future
- MonMarty: Direction talk with Shayin, LumosJared concerning reviewing standards and lore staff.
- MonMarty: Direction talk with babayonce concerning the continuation of noble title usage and constructive rethinking of said model.
- MonMarty: Individual Direction Lord_Immortal concerning dismissal and improvement points.
- MonMarty, Shayin: Individual feedback The_Shadow_King3 on the Chrysant article and writing in general.
- MonMarty: Forum management with regards to banned players and sock puppeting accounts.
- Addrion x2, Thortuna x2: Quest discussion meeting
- Addrion x2: Quest department meeting
- Thortuna x3: Direction management
- Omnomivore x2, Lazzulai x3, Jemsbe x1, Jadex224 x1, Sephite x1: MassiveTickets
- Thortuna, Omnomivore, Addrion, Lazzulai, Jemsbe, JoyShake, Jadex224, Sephite, Jackson413: Help chat
- Addrion x2: Ban appeals
- Thortuna x25, Gethelp x20, Omnomivore x1, Addrion x16, Lazzulai x3: Gamestaff assistance
- Lazzulai x2, Jemsbe x1: Long MassiveTickets
- Thortuna, Omnomivore, Addrion, Lazzulai: Kissing/Hug ticket event
- Thortuna, Addrion, Lazzulai: Kissing/Hug ticket event
- Jemsbe x2, Thortuna x1, Omnomivore x2, Addrion x2, Lazzulai x2, Jackson413 x2: Maze event
- Thortuna x4, Addrion x4, Jemsbe x3, JoyShake x3: Summer Tournament event
- Thortuna x2, Jemsbe x2: Rank training
- Thortuna x2, Sephite x2: Rank training
- Gethelp x2: Warzones
- Gethelp x1, Thortuna x1: Email Confirmations
- Gethelp x8: Forum bug
- Gethelp: Non-Ticket Land restoration
- Gethelp x4, Thortuna x1: Market Shop Maintenance
- Lazzulai x10: Arena building for summer tournament
- Lazzulai x2: MassiveGates for PvP Arena
- Addrion: Item creation for Tournament
- Sephite x2, Jackson413 x2, JoyShake x2, Jadex224 x2, Jemsbe x2, Lazzulai x2: Weekly Team Meeting
- Lazzulai x5: PvP Tournament
- Thortuna x2: Player communication in feature and idea section
- Gethelp x10: Discussing changes with PvP community
- Thortuna x2: Event world building
- Kronova x2, _Boreas x2: Weekly Team Meeting.
- MonMarty x2: Hunt trail ruin conversion.
- MonMarty: Lake trail ruin conversion.
- MrHappyTinkles x2: Regalian park building update.
- Boreas_ x10: Ithanian district housing construction.
- MonMarty x4: Ithanian Haute road reconstruction.
- Shayin: MassiveTickets
- MonMarty x2, Shayin x2, LumosJared x2: Weekly Team Meeting
- MonMarty x12: 75 Character mid-year story progression for the lore writing.
- The_Shadow_King3: Processing mid-year progression post.
- MrHappyTinkles, MonMarty: Processing Altalar.
- MonMarty x7: Cielothar race write-up.
- MonMarty x7: Avanthar race write-up.
- Plecy, Shuikenai: Processing Avanthar.
- MonMarty x7: Drowdar race write-up.
- Plecy: processing Drowdar.
- MonMarty, MrHappyTinkles, TheBioverse x4: Saivalthar write-up.
- MonMarty, TheBioverse: Processing Saivalthar write-up.
- MonMarty x2: Reorganizing the noble assessment documentation.
- MonMarty, Shuikenai, Babayonce: Noble assessment for July.
- MonMarty: Elven re-release forum post and subsequent Q&A.
- MonMarty: Mid-year progression clarification post.
- MonMarty x4: Lore Q&A.
- MonMarty x2: Light magic update and Supreme Form conceptualization.
- MonMarty: Code of Charlemois & Viridian update.
- MonMarty: issuing contact messages to the Viridian Knights.
- MonMarty: Writing Noble What Do’s and Don’ts tutorial.
- MonMarty: Managing Noble management membership and expelling toxic indivuduals.
- Shayin x2: Character applications.
- LumosJared: Character applications.
- LumosJared x6: Lore Q&A.
- BuffyCreepSlayer: Character applications.
- 0rimir: Drowdar page processing.
- Plecy: Character applications.
- JarlJade x6: Character applications.
- The_Shadow_King3 x6: Character applications.
- Suzzie: Character applications.
- Addrion x2: Quest creation and implementation for the new temporary money handout
- Addrion: Quest fixes for festival
- Addrion x2, imboring56 x2: Weekly Team Meeting
- Avaniswari x2, imboring56 x2, OldManJ98 x2: Quest department meeting participation.
- Ninjabaver x2: (Tuesday) News Post – Voting rewards removed.
- Cayorion x1: (Tuesday) Simplified blog categories and the main menu.
- Cayorion x1: (Tuesday) Updated website voting page and the MassiveMoney page to inform about the removal of voting rewards.
- Ninjabaver x2: Weekly Team Meeting
- MonMarty x7: Light Magic page images creation.
- MonMarty x3: Avanthar lore art creation.
- MonMarty x2: Cielothar lore art creation.
- MonMarty x2: Altalar lore art creation.
- Cayorion, Ulumulu1510 x2: (Monday) MassiveMagic coding session.
- Cayorion x1: (Tuesday) Full Minecraft software update.
- Cayorion x1: (Tuesday) Removed all voting rewards to achieve EULA compliance.
- Cayorion x1: (Tuesday) Added premium feature where premiums get 9 creative plots instead of one.
- Cayorion x4: (Tuesday) Assorted WordPress Maintainence – Updated plugins, changed plugins, fixed bugs.
- Cayorion x1: (Thursday) BugFix – ptime and pweather. Will work after next server update.
- Cayorion x1: (Thursday) Minor WordPress security reconfiguration.
- Cayorion: Lag investigation