Table of Contents
- Cayorion x4: (Tuesday) Removed loads of confusing menu options from the main website for team members. What should/can’t be used should not be visible. It was simply confusing.
- Cayorion x3 MonMarty x3 Thortuna x2 Omnomivore x2: (Tuesday) Direction Meeting – Decided to stop updating the team member history. Decided to add Omnomivore as direction aspirant.
- Cayorion x3: (Wednesday) Spigot Moderator Communication – Explaining details around how we release plugins and why from a technology standpoint.
- Thortuna, Omnomivore, Addrion: MassiveLock Tool abuse discussion
- Omnomivore x3: Handling MassiveLock Tool abuse
- Thortuna: Scheduled Changelogs through october
- Thortuna x2, Gethelp x2: Mutual Direction
- Gethelp: Forum management of permissions for staff
- Addrion x2: Job Island project management
- Thortuna x6: Google Documents restructure.
- Thortuna: Restricted access from Google Docs from people that should no longer have access.
- Omnomivore, Thortuna, Addrion: Rule addition discussion
- MonMarty, Thortuna: Rule Addition – Abusing plugin tools that are used to simplify commands (like Hawkeye and MassiveLock tools) is not allowed (for example: Selling, Building, crafting)
- Omnomivore: Rule addition on the wiki
- Thortuna x2: Feedback and approval of Tutorials
- Addrion, Cayorion: Citizens movement discussion
- Addrion x2: Feedback and approval of Job Island creation by ninjabaver
- Addrion: Individual Direction – Avaniswari
- Cayorion: Individual Direction – Thortuna peptalk
- Thortuna x2: Cleared Jadex224 for rank2
- Omnomivore x2: Bug testing and gathering info for reports on MassiveLock Shop
- Omnomivore x2, Thortuna x2: Mutual Direction discussions through the week
- Thortuna: Added Gamestaff points
- Thortuna: Added Bo2 squad points
- Thortuna, MonMarty, Addrion, LumosJared, Gethelp: Weekly Direction Meeting participation
- Thortuna: Added Meeting points
- Thortuna: Meeting setup
- Gethelp, Thortuna: PvP Update – Hit Detection fix thread creation
- MonMarty: Direction intro Doc_Cantankerous.
- MonMarty: Direction intro PonyoWantHam.
- MonMarty: Direction intro EdgyWalrusaur.
- MonMarty: Direction intro Aespair.
- MonMarty: Contessa 2 point processing.
- MonMarty, LumosJared x2: Processing new staff applications for lore and setting up plans for their introduction.
- MonMarty, LumosJared: ME Meeting.
- LumosJared: Assigning applications to the lore staff.
- Omnomivore x3, Addrion x1, Jadex224 x1: MassiveTickets
- Jackson413: Helpchat
- Addrion x2: Ban appeals
- Omnomivore: Player reports
- Thortuna x25, Omnomivore x15, Addrion x5: Gamestaff assistance
- Gethelp x30: Gamestaff assistance
- Thortuna, Gethelp: Long MassiveTicket
- Thortuna: Updated profiles
- Thortuna, Gethelp, Addrion, Lazzulai, Sephite, Jackson413: Parkour Event
- Thortuna, Gethelp, Addrion, Lazzulai, Sephite, Jackson413: Maze Event
- Thortuna: Feature and idea responses
- Thortuna, Gethelp x2: Email confirmations
- Thortuna x3, Gethelp x10: Forum Cleanup
- Thortuna, Gethelp x6: Market Shop Maintenance
- Gethelp x2: Market Shop Maintenance
- Thortuna x2, Sephite x2, Lazzulai x2, Jackson413 x2: Weekly team meeting participation
- Addrion x2: MassiveMob fixes
- Gethelp x2: Weekly Team Meeting Participation
- Gethelp x17: PvP Testing – God armor, Hit Detection
- Thortuna x2: PvP Testing – Hit Detection
- Gethelp x2: Warzones
- Gethelp x60: Hit registrations research, testing, retesting and fix proposal
- Gethelp x10: Enderpearl bug research
- ninjabaver x15: Created Job Island for the Quest department
- Kronova: Added DesertSinkHole bo2 documentation and grid setup
- Kronova: Added MineshaftEntrances bo2 documentation and grid setup
- Kronova: Added FantasyRockFormations bo2 documentation and grid setup
- Kronova: Added PalmTree bo2 documentation and grid setup
- Kronova: Added PalmTreeLarge bo2 documentation and grid setup
- Kronova: Added PalmTreeSplit bo2 documentation and grid setup
- Kronova: Bo2 squad management
- Kronova x3: Setup and completion of Bo2 squad run
- Kronova x6, The_Shadow_King3 x2: Built the PalmTree Bo2 pack
- Kellock93: Weekly Team meeting participation
- MonMarty, Kellock93, MrHappytinkles: Prefab house solution discussion.
- MonMarty x8: Ithanian district housing work.
- MonMarty, MrHappyTinkles x3: Azure Tower construction.
- Snekk x5: New Regalian Clinic work.
- MonMarty: Clinic glue.
- MrHappyTinkles x2: Refurbishing the library to a pub.
- MonMarty x8: Region manual ispection and eviction of overdue region owners.
- Omnomivore x3: Lore Item Rework
- The_Shadow_King3 x2, MantaRey x2, LumosJared x2, MonMarty x2: Weekly Team Meeting participation
- The_Shadow_King3 x11: Character Applications.
- TheBioverse x14: Character Applications.
- TheBioverse x2: Magic guide.
- TheBioverse x2: Player quests.
- LumosJared x11: Character apps.
- LumosJared: Processing Lampar
- LumosJared: Lore Q&A.
- Babayonce x3: Player Quests.
- JarlJade x4: Character Applications.
- The_Shadow_King3 x11: Character applications.
- MonMarty: Plugin research.
- EdgyWalrusaur x3: Character Apps.
- Aespair x5: Character Apps.
- Doc_Cantankerous: Character Apps.
- PonyoWantHam x1: Character Apps.
- Addrion x2: Job Island background quest
- Addrion x2: Investigating unkillable NPC’s
- Addrion x4: Tavern Quest reformatting with new drinks
- Addrion: Tavern Quest reformatting with new food
- Addrion x2, imboring56 x2, Avaniswari x2: Weekly Team Meeting participation
no activity
- Cayorion x6: (Monday) MassiveLag – Create a new feature where you can blacklist individual event listeners, tasks and commands. We use it for hopper optimization here on MassiveCraft.
- Cayorion x2: (Wednesday) MassiveBasic – Added data value support to permission placement system. We can now for example block dragon head placement in Regalia but allow placement of other heads.
- Cayorion x1: (Wednesday) MCAuthenticator – Bug Report –
- Cayorion x3: (Thursday) Citizens – Advanced Bug Report –
- Cayorion x1: (Friday) Managing a couple of external pull requests to the Vamipre plugin.
- Cayorion x8: (Friday) MassiveLock – Shop system rework. Almost done but needs a little extra polish and bug testing.
- Ulumulu1510 x4: (Friday) Coding integration between MassiveMobs and MassiveMagic.
- Cayorion x2: (Sunday) Full Minecraft Software Update
- Cayorion x2: (Sunday) MassiveLock – Further shop improvements.