Table of Contents
- LumosJared x4: Indivudual Direction.
- Gethelp x1, Omnomivore x1, Sephite x1, Darkwatch01 x9, CrescentLight x2, MugKing x1, Aienn x1, Sevak x5: Game Tickets.
- Darkwatch01 x1, CrescentLight x1, Sevak x1, Slayer1618 x4, selemo x3, Tokuu x6, Jaehaerys x2, BlueChaos x1: Help chat responses.
- Omnomivore x1: Ban Appeals.
- Sephite x1: McMMO Ability Testing.
- Darkwatch01 x2: Long Tickets.
- CrescentLight x1: Creating the Easter Basket Hunt Event guide.
- Aienn x1: Creating the Sumo Event guide.
- Aienn x1: Creating the Rings Event guide.
- Aienn x1, Tokuu x1: Hosting and Moderating MassiveMusic genre events.
- Aienn x4: Hosting a Community Build
- Sephite x1, Darkwatch01 x1, CrescentLight x1, Aienn x1, Sevak x1, Tokuu x1, Jaehaerys x1: PvE Graveyard Event hosting and moderation.
- Gethelp x1, Sephite x1, Darkwatch01 x1, Aienn x1: Hosting and Moderating a BanefulKing event.
- CrescentLight x1: Hosting a Game Staff team-building event.
- Darkwatch01 x3, Tokuu x3: Ticket Training.
- Darkwatch01 x1, Slayer1618 x1: Ticket Training.
- CrescentLight x2, Jaehaerys x2: Rules Training.
- CrescentLight x2, Jaehaerys x2: Punishment Training.
- Gethelp x1, Sephite x1, Darkwatch01 x1, CrescentLight x1, Sevak x1, selemo x1, Tokuu x1, Jaehaerys x1, BlueChaos x1, Blackfish__ x1: Event Meeting.
- Omnomivore x1: Stat Transfers
- Gethelp x1: Email confirmations
- Omnomivore x1: Market shop maintenance and evictions
- Omnomivore x1: Event item/prize cleanup.
- Gethelp x6, Darkwatch01 x4, Sevak x4, Tokuu x2: PvP Testing.
- Gethelp x1: MassiveGates
- Bertramqaz x8: Slum Building.
- AntonVoron x4: Interior work.
- Timisc x10: Spawn District.
- SpunSugar x7: Burg Eleng and Park work.
- WaterDruppel x10: Slum Construction.
- Greenie x9: Slum Construction.
- TyrolleanEagle x4: Character Sheets.
- Fatherland x10: Lore Processing.
- Valentinian x10: Character Sheets.
- HydraLana x10: Character Sheets.
- Suzzie x5: Wiki Maint.
- Aespair x10: Lore Processing.
- Eccetra x4: Character Sheets.
- LumosJared x4: Processing and Character Sheets.
- Magivore x1: Character Sheets.
- Ponyowantham x7: Processing Lore.
- Shayin x17: Wiki Work.
- Scribbe x7: Processing.
- Onearmsquid x9: Riddler Quest.
- Crashir x1: Review Session.
- Itsnotmarkus x1: Review Session.
- CrescentLight x1: Onearmsquid Review.
- Slayer1618 x4: Elite Quests.
- Kaezir x25: Posts and Festival Prep.
- Drfong x6: Daily Creeper.
- SpunSugar x2: Aspirancy Direction.
- LumosJared x5: Permissions and Such.
no activity