Table of Contents
- Omnomivore x1: Staff application responses, codex training, and aspirant introductions.
- MonMarty x1: Training Darkwatch01 on MassiveGates and Holograms.
- LumosJared x2: Paperwork, Training Spun, Individual Direction.
- Omnomivore x1, Darkwatch01 x2, Sephite x2, Blackfish__ x2, BlueChaos x1, Slayer1618 x1, Tokuu x4: Game Tickets
- Slayer1618 x1, Tokuu x1, 4tv x4, MCMANN32 x2: Help Chat Responses.
- Darkwatch01 x1, Sephite x1: Ban Appeals.
- CrescentLight x1: Player Reports.
- Darkwatch01 x1: Crisis of Kings documentation review.
- Sephite x1: Assisted Crisis of Kings training.
- Darkwatch01 x1, Sephite x1, BlueChaos x1, Tokuu x1, 4tv x1: Boat Race Event hosting and moderation.
- 4tv x1, MCMANN32 x1: Intro Training.
- Darkwatch01 x1: MassiveGates and Hologram training.
- CrescentLight x2, 4tv x2, MCMANN32 x2: Rules Training.
- Tokuu x1, MCMANN32 x1: Commands Training.
- CrescentLight x1, Sephite x1, BlueChaos x1: Halloween Festival Meeting.
- Sephite x1, Tokuu x1: Updates to Crisis of Kings.
- Darkwatch01 x1: Stat transfers.
- Darkwatch01 x3: Creating MassiveGates.
- Patsie x3: Tavern Decor.
- Timisc x7: Event Assistance.
- SpunSugar x2: Regalia Upkeep.
- AntonVoron x6: Estates.
- Waterdruppel x5: Slum Price Adjusting.
- Nesstro x1: Opera House Project.
- Suzzie x13: Processing and Wiki Maintenence.
- Wumpatron x10: Character Sheets.
- Drunkfailure x2: Lore Processing.
- Shayin x35: Lore Processing and Wiki Work.
- LumosJared x4: Character Sheets and Lore Q/A.
- Vegemiite x6: Character Sheets.
- Eccetra x6: Character Sheets.
- Fatherland x2: Character Sheets.
- HydraLana x16: Lore Writing.
- Wumpatron x2: Character Sheets.
- Aespair x3: Character Sheets.
- Enkiduu x4: Quest Writing.
- Crashir x3: Documentation.
- Imboring56 x2: Vampire Quest Festival.
- Drfong x4: Daily Creeper.
- LumosJared x3: Postings and Recruitment.
- SpunSugar x10: Weekend Roundup.
- Seoulmate x3: Logo Graphics Work.
no activity