Table of Contents
- Omnomivore x1: Staff applications and aspirant codex introduction.
- LumosJared x3: Individual Direction, Paperwork.
- Darkwatch01 x1, CrescentLight x1, Sephite x2, Slayer1618 x4, Tokuu x2, Blackfish__ x2, BlueChaos x1, Jaehaerys x1: Game Tickets.
- Slayer1618 x1, Tokuu x1, Aeyris x1, 4tv x8, MCMANN32 x2, Zacatero x1: Help chat responses.
- Darkwatch01 x1, Sephite x1: Ban Appeals.
- CrescentLight x1: Player Reports.
- Sephite x1: Long Tickets.
- CharlieML x1: Updating CoK documents and creating a ticket training sheet.
- CrescentLight x1, Tokuu x1, BlueChaos x1, Jaehaerys x1: Decorating KOTH for Halloween.
- Omnomivore x1, Zacatero x1: Intro training.
- Sephite x1, 4tv x1: Commands and Permissions Training.
- Sephite x1, Tokuu x1: Ban log training.
- Darkwatch01 x1, CrescentLight x1, Sephite x1, Slayer1618 x1, Tokuu x3, BlueChaos x1, Jaehaerys x1, Aeyris x1, 4tv x1, MCMANN32 x1: Halloween Festival Meeting.
- Gethelp x4, Darkwatch01 x5: MassiveGates training, implementation, and testing.
- Bertramqaz x17: Qadir Building.
- Timisc x17: Bridge Project.
- SpunSugar x3: Regalian Upkeep.
- Jaehaerys x5: Ithania Spawn House.
- Waterduppel x3: Halloween Parkour.
- AntonVoron x3: World Hub.
- Bellarmina x2: Quest Writing.
- LumosJared x14: Processing and Character Sheets.
- Suicidium x4: Character Sheets.
- Aespair x3: Event Hosting.
- Rochelle x7: Character Sheets.
- Fatherland x2: Character Sheets.
- Drunkfailure x8: Lore Writing.
- Vegemiite x5: Character Sheets.
- Wumpatron x12: Character Sheets.
- Eccetra x12: Character Sheets.
- Crashir x4: Maze Challenge.
- Enkiduu x3: Quest Implementation.
- Onearmsquid x8: Hallooween and Meetings.
- Slayer1618 x2: Polls.
- LumosJared x5: Postings and Recruitment.
- SpunSugar x14: Sept Events, Halloween Planning, Roundup.
- Seoulmate x10: Competitions and Logos.
no activity