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  • We now use Deadbolt instead of Lockette, they are cross compatible, meaning all your doors and chests are still protected.
  • Created an in house plugin to unlock Deadbolt doors and containers if the owner is inactive for 20 days. You can see how many days are left by attempting to open the chest.
  • MobSpawners are now limited to 10 mobs at a time. No matter how far the mobs move from the spawner, it will not spawn more then 10 unless you kill one. This is to prevent XP farming, aswell as decrease stress on the CPU.
  • Factions now cost 75 Silver to create.

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  1. happybob123 2012-02-28 at 03:32

    i like deadbolt better

    • SYkO_Reaper117 2012-02-28 at 03:41

      You can chain containers, so if you have a long row of brewing stands or furnaces, they are all locked by putting a sign on one of them.

      • happybob123 2012-02-28 at 15:46

        oh thats awsome i cant wait to test it :D

  2. eololar 2012-02-28 at 05:16

    i also like DeadBolt better but 75 silver for a faction >:[

  3. haka91 2012-02-28 at 12:58

    75 silver for a faction is too low,at least set them back to 300 silver and increase silver earned from killing mob and maybe insert some way for earn money.


  4. BornaSepic 2012-02-28 at 13:01

    ok this is wierd every single person on serve will have fac :/

    • ulumulu1510 2012-02-28 at 13:15

      Yes it is wierd, but prevents griefing.
      Take a moment and think about that.

  5. Chr_Kensmark 2012-02-28 at 14:07

    Raise it to at least 300 again pls! 300 silver will prevent new people on the server to just start a faction. Starting a faction should take long time and be difficult!!! >:(

    • happybob123 2012-02-28 at 15:46


    • ulumulu1510 2012-02-29 at 11:47

      agreed, but I understand the problem with the griefers.

      • mortaur 2012-02-29 at 13:04

        I thought that’s what permissions was for

    • Jackamatack 2012-02-29 at 23:24


  6. Blood 2012-02-29 at 02:26

    The decrease of faction cost will wane the bigger factions. I don’t know if thats a good thing, or a bad thing since some factions have gotten too big with too many inactive memnbers and there could be some potential factions to be made still that could actually last long enough to actually stick to the theme of the server iteself. I believe that there will be many abandoned factions, plus the decrease of some actual “Stick to medeival building” builds. (which will SUCK worse than it already does in some places) All there will be are constant abandoned factions with silly names, silly builds and they will take with it the loss of pro-to-legit for Massivecraft.

    I like the deadbolt plugin since it allows veteran players to (with much dislike) clear up the mess when the faction finally disband in–what?– days, weeks, months? — unless players from that faction is only one of the ratio’d many turned inactive. Imagine all the mess there will be, even after some veterans have gone through the trouble of actually CLEANING what the mods can’t find and wasting precious tools to keep the server borderline pro. The restoration planned by these vets have mostly all gone to waste, IMO.

    And YES, I take into account of the new port worlds being made to travel to soon, but the idea of so many factions is still out-rah-silly. This only will lead to more scams, more stealing and down-right more stupid arguements on the GLOBAL CHAT. I don’t want to get into the global chat issue, but I can vouch for those who would agree how fk’ing annoying the g: chat gets on a rare day to day basis.

    Thus I rest my case: Increase the faction price again. Or we’re all going to sh*t.

    • happybob123 2012-02-29 at 23:37

      i agree with everything you said

      • Chr_Kensmark 2012-03-01 at 16:42

        Agreed! I even think that it should be over 300 silver.

    • SYkO_Reaper117 2012-03-02 at 03:00

      The point of factions is to have user controlled anti-griefing. recently I have been spending all my time on massivecraft helping factionless players who were griefed. so what is the point of a user controlled anti-grief system if nobody can use it.

      • PiperJ 2012-03-02 at 04:30

        I’m somewhat indifferent to the new faction price (I can see the pros and cons), but the one thing I must ask: Will staff be enforcing the rule that there must be 16 chunks between factions?

        • SYkO_Reaper117 2012-03-03 at 16:42

          It is too much work to count the chunks between factions, so it is up to players to notify us. If a faction is too close, and you want them to move, let us know.

          • PiperJ 2012-03-04 at 03:09

            I didn’t expect staff to actively watch that. I just wanted to know if it’d be enforced if brought to staff’s attention.

            Thanks for the answer.

      • BrettGoss 2012-03-05 at 05:04

        Well, the way it was before worked. New players either joined a faction till they got enough silver, or they made a hidden base somewhere. Maybe a loan plugin of some sort might work instead of the reduced price. Also, having hawkeye back would really help.

      • Jackamatack 2012-03-11 at 16:34

        Well then why don’t we do this:
        Not in a faction-CAN BE GRIEFED
        In a faction-Well can’t be griefed anyways but NO GRIEF

        Thats on a bunch of servers and it’s a good rule

  7. mortaur 2012-02-29 at 13:03

    Wow…so do I get my 225 silver that I spent weeks saving for back! Probably not…

    • SYkO_Reaper117 2012-03-02 at 02:43

      Did we ask factions to pay 200 silver when we increased the price from 100 to 300?

  8. happybob123 2012-02-29 at 15:25

    i do too i just think that to meny faction would be made and then not enough money going into the economy and then they would be disbanded so…

  9. MasterMachine100 2012-02-29 at 16:29

    Fix the deadbolt name length issue. i can’t lock any of my stuff and already lost 95% of everything I owned (including 4 diamond picks, 3 diamond shovels, 2 diamonds swords, and a diamond axe) because someone in my faction decided they wanted it. If you don’t, I’ll have to make a new account and spend my hard earned cash on Minecraft again. Please do fix it ASAP.

  10. PiperJ 2012-02-29 at 18:55

    We need a replacement for hawkeye.

    • happybob123 2012-02-29 at 23:38

      yes please

    • ulumulu1510 2012-03-01 at 13:53

      OH yes. We need it, because I had griefers and without it’s impossible to catch them. I was server owner once and had somemuch trouble without Hawkeye. Please install something similar(Hawkeye,Logblock etc)

    • IridiumDihedral 2012-03-03 at 09:23

      I have been griefed twice in two days now. This last one is UGLY and just outside SilverEdge. Can admins ban these griefers or do we just have to put up with it?

      I feel like quitting the server now.

      • JUBBINS 2012-03-03 at 09:56

        Please tell me you are in a faction

        • IridiumDihedral 2012-03-03 at 19:14

          I am in Essentia, one of the guys in the faction pissed off the wrong guy and about 20 griefers came over and messed the place up good.
          Serenum claimed land our land I heard a mod, Syko was even involved. I have screen shots of guys bragging about it too. People were driving boats across land to get through doors. All of my faith in the server was lost in 10 hours.

          • zerozer00 2012-03-06 at 20:32

            Haha, they used boats to get into my faction too

  11. buggerbot 2012-03-02 at 01:50

    Should I update or not?

  12. merchantmonster 2012-03-02 at 17:14

    Really 75 silver! thats awesome I don’t see why people don’t like it I payed 300 for mine I thought it was way to much and anyway isnt the aim of factions is so players can protect there buildings now its easier to do exactly that.

    • Chr_Kensmark 2012-03-03 at 09:34

      But then i have to ask: Is this a survival or faction/rpg server? Is it about protecting your builds, or being a strong and rich faction?

      • SYkO_Reaper117 2012-03-03 at 16:45

        It’s both.

        • merchantmonster 2012-03-04 at 13:23


  13. buggerbot 2012-03-02 at 23:10

    It will not let me get on any of my servers so I will not be on for a while. Does that mean Ill my stuff will get stolen :(

  14. haka91 2012-03-03 at 19:23

    just downgrade the client with the guide on this website and you will able to join again

  15. Painereign 2012-03-04 at 02:01

    my computer crashed >:( so will i be kicked from my faction and get all my stuff stolen >:( ? can a mod keep me owning my faction and keep my stuff from getting stolen?

  16. zErOzEr00 2012-03-04 at 14:19

    The price for creating a faction is too low, now there will be no large factions beacuse everyone will have their own.

  17. merchantmonster 2012-03-04 at 16:04

    I think its a sort of bug on deadbolt. When there was lockette i privated some fence gates and now i cant open them they just close straight away. I tried un privating them and doing it again but it still doesn’t work. ?

  18. illogicalleaf314 2012-03-05 at 02:06

    Everyone having their own faction isn’t a good thing. Lots of people with large factions put a lot of work taking people in and helping them, a lot of work will go to waste when everybody leaves and makes their own faction.

    There will no longer be large builds as member numbers will be reduced and there will not be enough power.

    On an unrelated note can you please disable overclaiming?

    • BrettGoss 2012-03-05 at 05:18

      I agree completely. There are now about 130 factions, most with only one or two people in them. If anything, lowering the cost of factions/ amount of players in a faction causes more griefing, because factions can’t claim enough land to protect everything.

      Something that could be done is allowing factions to have more power per person. This would allow factions to claim more land, and not have to worry about how many members they have. Also, with the new world faction will need to either unclaim a bunch in the current world, or mass recruit in order to claim a reasonable amount of land in the new world.

      • Chr_Kensmark 2012-03-06 at 18:22

        I also agree completely. Low faction prices will mess the whole server up!

  19. outsiderx2 2012-03-10 at 22:24

    As a long time player on this server, I have to say this is by far the worst it has been during my time playing on it. There are my reasons why.

    1. Too many factions and the cost to create them is way to low. Gone are the days of building a faction and gaining power to do stuff. Now its basically an anti griefing plug in.

    2. The amount of mods/admins to player is just to great. I know we have very active ones that help code/test/build and do alot of behind the scenes stuff, but I think we need some form of an admin (not even “half admin) that is just there to police the daily things like the chat. Just normal everyday players maybe with the ability to mute and/or jail a player that is being a general disruption to the server.. No ban/TP/creative abilities and of course these players would have to provide evidence for their actions or face the same consequences.

    3. The overall look of the spawn area needs to be cleaned up I think. There are to many half finished/abandoned buildings in the spawn area that have chest shops from players that haven’t played in ages. I do love the look of the spawn and the guidelines of the building area but there are some buildings that haven’t followed those guidelines at all and I feel it just brings down the whole look of the spawn area.

    Now these are just opinions. I will still gladly play on this server and continue to donate to it as well since its by far one of the better servers I’ve played on since buying MC.

  20. JUBBINS 2012-03-11 at 17:47

    Ok here’s my viewpoint on this whole thing.

    The server is way too complex. New people joining won’t be in a faction, won’t be told how to join one and won’t even be in global chat, as well as having to walk 27 chunks without food to get to wilderness. Adding to this, a lot of young people are joining the server who rather than work things out themselves decide to bug moderators, or ignore everything and build in the wilderness, get griefed and then bug moderators. This has to led to the lowering of faction prices which undermines a lot of what the server was about.

    My solution to this is that players asking questions should be pointed towards the information on It might even be a good idea to add more information to the site so it serves as a complete guide as to how to get started on the server and the various commands available. I play on another server where anyone asking questions will be pointed to the server wiki and this works very effectively. This would potentially stop chat spam and free up moderators.

    I also agree with outsider that there are unfinished buildings at spawn and it would probably be a good idea to have a small group of trustworthy players to mute or jail people.


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