- Thortuna: Directing Thorodax and Th3_Drunk_Monk on leading the Game Department this week
- MonMarty: Individual direction – Shayin.
- Gethelp: Individual direction – werewolfslayer
- Thortuna, Thorodax: Individual direction unto one another on the progress since the betterment of teaching methods.
- Thortuna, Gethelp, Thorodax, MonMarty, leversandpulleys x2: Week 43 Meeting.
- no activty
- Kidmodo, ThatQadirGuy, Sevrish, panic15, aleixandria, _Omnomivore_ x2: Week 43 meeting.
- Gethelp: Email confirmation fixes for people
- Gethelp x2: Gamestaff assistance.
- Thortuna x3: Gamestaff assistance.
- Thortuna x2: War Declarations
- Thortuna: Manual World Restores
- Thorodax: Manual World Restores
- Thorodax x3: Gamestaff assistance
- Jamescl, Th3_Drunk_Monk: War Declarations
- Jamescl, Th3_Drunk_Monk: Ban Appeals
- Gethelp x5: MassiveTickets
- aleixandria x4: MassiveTicket
- ThatQadirGuy x3: MassiveTickets
- Th3_Drunk_Monk x3: MassiveTickets
- Sevrish x2: MassiveTickets
- Kidmodo: MassiveTickets
- _Omnomivore_: MassiveTickets
- Thortuna: MassiveTickets
- panic15: MassiveTickets
- Shayin: MassiveTickets
- Thortuna: Helpchat Support
- Th3_Drunk_Monk: Helpchat Support
- aleixandria: Helpchat Support
- Sevrish: Helpchat Support
- Kidmodo: Helpchat Support
- panic15: Helpchat Support
- ThatQadirGuy: Helpchat Support
- Gethelp x6, aleixandria x4: Searching through and apprehending over 80 alternate accounts used to disrupt server economy
- panic15, aleixandria: Handling a very long and extensive ticket.
- Kellock93, imboring56 x2: Week 43 Meeting.
- MonMarty, mojaveboogieman x2: Regalian Glue.
- MonMarty. Kellock93 x2: Regalian Glue work.
- MonMarty, mojaveboogieman x2: Typhonus Estate and Imperial tower.
- MonMarty x2: Regalian Glue Work.
- mojaveboogieman: Regalian Glue Work.
- imboring56 x2: Ice plate construction.
- Kidmodo x2: Ice plate construction.
- werewolfslayer: Ice plate construction.
- panic15: Ice plate construction.
- Knyxor x5: Ice plate construction.
- imboring56 x3: Bo2 exporting.
- Shayin, BabaManga, Feyona x2: Week 43 Meeting.
- Shayin x2: Plantlife project conclusion.
- Shayin: Race spreadsheet.
- Sven_tu x3: Wrote Stranglers.
- Green_Hood, Shayin x2: Processed Stranglers.
- Sollomon666 x2: Wrote Duvainor Azure.
- BabaManga, Shayin x2: Processed Duvainor Azure.
- The_Shadow_King3: Wrote Regal Wheat.
- Levers, Shayin x2: Processed Regal Wheat.
- Dannywolf05 x2: Wrote Tarathiel’s Clove.
- BabaManga, Ihave4sight, Feyona x2: Processed Tarathiel’s Clove.
- SacredTrout x3: Wrote Erai’s Kiss.
- Shayin, Plecy x2: Processed Erai’s Kiss.
- DrakeRome, Jamescl x3: Wrote Nightshade.
- Levers, Feyona, JakkDhread x2: Processed Nightshade.
- SexyRose x2: Wrote Drachenwald Nuttegg.
- Shayin, Jamescl, Feyona x2: Processed Drachenwald Nuttegg.
- Xskill x2: Wrote Dragonet Apple.
- Plecy, Levers x2: Processed Dragonet Apple.
- Oxoman x2: Wrote Theomar Fungus.
- Green_Hood, Plecy, Jamescl x2: Processed Theomar Fungus.
- Ryciera: Wiki upkeep.
- Hiu403 x3: Wrote Ice Leaf.
- Shayin, Thortuna, Plecy and Jamescl x2: Processed Ice Leaf.
- Darkfarce, Terence29 x2: Week 43 Meeting.
- leversandpulleys x3: NPC and sentry (approx. 20) creation or tweaking across a number of Arach’n and Warrenord quests.
- Alj23 x2: Storyline and Commands for A Cooling Apparatus.
- Ryciera x2: Creation of and contributions to a document to keep track of npc skins.
- Awes0meLawson, Darkfarce, Alj23, leversandpulleys, Terence29: Arach’n project, brainstorming new quest ideas.
- no activty
- no activty