Table of Contents
- MonMarty, Thortuna, leversandpulleys, Gethelp x2: Week 47 Meeting.
- leversandpulleys: Assisted MonMarty during the meeting.
- MonMarty: Individual Direction leversandpulleys.
- MonMarty: Individual Direction Ryciera.
- MonMarty: Individual Direction Sevrish.
- MonMarty: Individual Diection Thortuna.
- MonMarty x2: Hosting the discussion talks on the new War Declaration rules.
- Thortuna, Thorodax: Interview with LilDipper_ and added him to the team and gamestaff as an aspirant.
- Thortuna: Individual Direction ThatQadirGuy on his world points and how to get more world points
- Thortuna: Created the 10 chunk and spiderclaim post on the forum for better information to the players about spiderclaims.
- Thortuna: Individual Direction _Omnomivore_ on how to do War Declarations
- Thortuna x2: Individual Direction Sevrish on the upcoming PVP event.
- Cayorion x2: (Wednesday) Guiding Ninjabaver into reworking the graphic profile for MassiveCraft.
- Thortuna, Thorodax: Individual Direction unto one another over the progress of the department and it’s members
- Thorodax: Individual Direction – Alj23
- Thorodax: Individual Direction – panic15
- Thorodax x2: Individual Direction – BillyA835
- Thorodax: Individual Direction – LilDipper_
- Cayorion x2: (Thursday) Introducing the font choice project for Thortuna, MonMarty and the rest of the staff.
- Ryciera: Individual Direction – Plecy – Motivation.
- Thortuna, Th3_Drunk_Monk: Individual direction toward each other on how to make training gamestaff easier.
- Thortuna, Cayorion: Direction decision and disabling of MCMMO arcane salvage.
- leversandpulleys: Individual direction Jackson413.
- leversandpulleys x2: Established Quest Tester program w/ Documentation, QA Response Form, guidelines, spreadsheet, and Skype chat.
no activity
- Kidmodo, Aleixandria, Th3_Drunk_Monk, Sevrish, Panic15, Alj23 x2: Week 47 Meeting.
- Thortuna, _Omnomivore_ x2: War Declaration Explanation document for staff and Template
- Thortuna, _Omnomivore_ x3: War Declarations
- Th3_Drunk_Monk, Thorodax: War Declaration training with BillyA835
- BillyA835: War Declaration Training
- BillyA835: War Declarations
- _Omnomivore_, Jamescl, Thortuna: Spiderclaim mails to players
- Thortuna: Cleaned up all existing War Declarations in preparation for the new form.
- Gethelp: Forum maintenance and cleanup of permissions
- _Omnomivore_: Ticket training with aspirants
- Thorodax: Ticket training with aspirants
- Thortuna: Help Central answers and cleanup
- Jamescl: Gamestaff Introduction with LilDipper_
- Jamescl: Gamestaff Introduction with JakkDhread
- JakkDhread: Gamestaff introduction
- LilDipper_: Gamestaff Introduction
- BillyA835 x2, LilDipper_ x3: Gamestaff training with senior gamestaff
- Thorodax x4: Gamestaff training with BillyA835 and LilDipper_
- Gethelp x4: Email confirmation manual validation and sendouts for the last 3 weeks
- Thortuna: World Restores
- Thortuna: Handled a very time consuming ticket
- BillyA835: Handled a very time consuming ticket
- Thortuna, Feyona, Sevrish, Awesomelawson, Th3_Drunk_Monk, Jamescl, Alj23, Leversandpulleys: Discussing mcmmo arcane salvage and bringing suggestions on how to deal with it to the Direction department.
- Sevrish x3: Hosting and Organising the Knights Island 1v1 PvP event.
- Thorodax x2: Co-hosting and moderating the Knights Island 1v1 PvP event
- _Omnomivore_, LilDipper_, Kidmodo: Moderating the Knights Island 1v1 PvP event
- Thortuna, Jamescl: Broadcasting and hyping up the Knights Island 1v1 PvP event
- _Omnomivore_: World Restores
- Thortuna: World Restores
- _Omnomivore_ x2: Gamestaff assistance
- Thortuna x4: Gamestaff assistance
- Thorodax x2: Gamestaff assistance
- Gethelp: Gamestaff assistance
- Th3_Drunk_Monk x2: Gamestaff assistance
- Jamescl x2: Gamestaff assistance
- _Omnomivore_, Thortuna x1: Ban appeals
- Thortuna: Player reports
- Thortuna: Shop cleanout in the market since alot of shops were expired.
- Thortuna x7: MassiveTickets
- Kidmodo x2: MassiveTickets
- BillyA835 x2: MassiveTickets
- _Omnomivore_ x2: MassiveTickets
- Th3_Drunk_Monk: MassiveTickets
- Shayin: MassiveTickets
- Luthein: MassiveTickets
- panic15: MassiveTickets
- Feyona: MassiveTickets
- ThatQadirGuy: MassiveTickets
- Thortuna: Helpchat Support
- Knyxor: Helpchat Support
- Feyona: Helpchat Support
- Ha5h: Helpchat Support
- Sevrish: Helpchat Support
- Kidmodo: Helpchat Support
- LilDipper_ x8: Helpchat Support
- imboring56, Mojaveboogieman, Flashera x2: Week 47 Meeting.
- BabaManga x2: Week 47 Meeting.
- BabaManga x2: Noble manager response.
- Ryciera: Lore Q&A reformat.
- Ryciera: Reorganized the MassiveCraft Roleplay section.
- BabaManga: Storyline for Hot Cocoa.
- BabaManga: Storyline for Wonderful Wreath.
- BabaManga: Lore Q&A maintenance.
- Terence x2: Week 47 Meeting.
- Alj23 x2: Storyline and Commands for Take From the Poor.
- Alj23: Quest lead for A Cooling Apparatus.
- Terence29 x2: Implementation and Quality Assurance for Take From the Poor.
- leversandpulleys: NPC’s and fixes for Take From the Poor.
- leversandpulleys x2: Quality Assurance for A Golden Chance.
- leversandpulleys: Implementation and QA for Snack Time.
- Darkfarce: Command revision for Snack Time and Golden Chance
- Darkfarce: Quest lead for A Golden Chance.
- leversandpulleys: Quality Assurance for You’ve Been Used.
- Awes0meLawson: Quest lead for You’ve Been Used.
- leversandpulleys: Quality Assurance for A Cooling Apparatus and Blame Someone Else.
- leversandpulleys: Quest lead for Blame Someone Else.
- leversandpulleys x5: Storyline, Commands, Implementation, 6 NPC’s, and QA for Do You Dare?
- Awes0meLawson x6: Extended storyline, commands, implementation, and QA for The Fool’s Trick.
- _Omnomivore_ x2: Commands and Implementation for Hot Cocoa.
- leversandpulleys x2: Individual mentoring in quest writing and commands for Darkfarce, Alj23, and Awes0me Lawson.
- JakkDhread: Storyline for It Gets Cold at Night.
- Jackson413 x2: Extended Storyline for The Hidden Pub.
- Blockboster001: Quality Assurance reports for Blame Someone Else, A Golden Change, and A Cooling Apparatus.
- Cayorion x2: (Thursday) Researching fonts for new logotype.
- Thorodax: (Friday) Supplying font suggestions to Cayorion.
- Cayorion x5: (Monday) MassiveCore compatibility research.
- Cayorion x4: (Wednesday) Updated mcMMO to the latest development version with UUID support and hopefully a few bug fixes.
- Cayorion x2: (Wednesday) Issue Tracker Activity and minor Bug Fixing.
- Cayorion x5: (Thursday) Dynmap – Reconfigured so that it works and also renders maps of higher quality.
- Cayorion: (Thursday) MCMMO – Supplied a bug report
- Cayorion x7: (Friday) Working on the Minecraft 1.8 update.
- Cayorion x3: (Saturday) Working on the Minecraft 1.8 update.