Table of Contents
- MonMarty, Thortuna, leversandpulleys, Spectec x2: Week 04 Meeting.
- Cayorion x4: (Monday) Bookkeeping
- Cayorion x2: (Monday) Individual Direction: Madus and Ulumulu1510
- Cayorion x4: (Tuesday) Bookkeeping
- Cayorion x2: (Tuesday) Individual Direction: Madus and Ulumulu1510
- Cayorion x2: (Wednesday) Bookkeeping
- Cayorion x1: (Wednesday) Individual Direction: Madus and Ulumulu1510
- Thortuna x2: Individual Direction – ThatQadirGuy
- leversandpulleys x2: Individual Direction – Thortuna
- Thortuna x2: Individual Direction – leversandpulleys
- Thortuna: Individual Direction Sevrish
- Thortuna, Gethelp x2: Individual Direction and discussion about the gamestaff during the week.
- Thortuna: Direction toward the Gamestaff Admins on how to handle things in Gamestaff Leaders absence
- Thortuna: Forum cleanup in the Server Rule Enforcement section
- Thortuna, Th3_Drunk_Monk: Ban appeal discussion about schedule so we can avoid backlogs.
- leversandpulleys: Individual Direction – Awes0meLawson on project management.
- leversandpulleys: Individual Direction – 0Deedee0 on team communication.
- Thortuna: Pep talking staff into holding mini events throughout the week
- Gethelp x2: Individual Direction – panic15 on gamestaff handling
no activity
- Jamescl, ThatQadirGuy, Panic15, LilDipper_, BillyA835, Annju, Sevrish x2: Week 04 Meeting.
- Thortuna, Jamescl, _Omnomivore_, Addrion, LilDipper_, Shayin x2: Gamestaff Hide and Seek event (Monday)
- Jamescl x5: Gamestaff training with Annju, Addrion, and Panic15.
- Panic15 x2: Gamestaff training and rank 2 clearance with Jamescl.
- Gethelp x2: Email Confirmation on the forum.
- Annju, Addrion x3: Training with Jamescl.
- Thortuna x2: Gamestaff training with Addrion
- Addrion x2: Gamestaff training with Thortuna
- Thortuna x4: Gamestaff assistance
- _Omnomivore_ x5: Pig racing event management and setup (Tuesday)
- ThatQadirGuy, Panic15, LilDipper_ x2: Pig racing event setup (Tuesday)
- ThatQadirGuy, Panic15, LilDipper_, Gethelp x2: Pig Racing event moderation (Tuesday)
- ThatQadirGuy, Annju x2: Unarmed Brawl event management and setup (Wednesday)
- Addrion, Thortuna, Th3_Drunk_Monk x2: Unarmed Brawl event moderation (Wednesday)
- Gethelp x4: Warzone upkeep, maintenance and creation
- Gethelp x3: Gamestaff assistance
- Thortuna: Help central on the forums
- Jamescl, Th3_Drunk_Monk x2: Ban appeal backlog cleared
- Jamescl, Th3_Drunk_Monk x2: Player reports
- Thortuna: Ban appeals.
- Thortuna, Jamescl, Addrion x2: Archery event setup (Friday)
- Thortuna, Addrion x4: Archery event management and moderation (Friday)
- Th3_Drunk_Monk, Sevrish, ThatQadirGuy, Shayin, _Omnomivore_ x2: Archery event moderation (Friday)
- Th3_Drunk_Monk: Ticket training with Hakuretzu1987
- Hakuretzu1987: Ticket training with Th3_Drunk_Monk
- Th3_Drunk_Monk: Ticket training with Annju
- Annju: Ticket training with Th3_Drunk_Monk
- Thorodax: Ticket clearing Annju
- Thorodax x2: Gamestaff Assistance
- Thorodax x2: World Restores
- panic15: Assisting Thorodax with World Restores
- Annju: Ticket clearing with Thorodax
- Gethelp: Ticket training with Sevrish
- Sevrish: Ticket training with Gethelp
- Thortuna x2: Ticket training with Addrion
- Addrion x2: Ticket training with Thortuna
- Jamescl x2: Setup of Scavanger Event (Saturday)
- Thortuna, Jamescl, Addrion, ThatQadirGuy, LilDipper_ x2: Event moderation and participation during the Scavenger Event (Saturday)
- Annju: Event moderation during the Scavenger Event (Saturday)
- Jamescl x2: War Declaration training with ThatQadirGuy, Panic15, LilDipper_, Annju, Addrion
- ThatQadirGuy, Panic15, LilDipper_, Annju, Addrion x2: War Declaration training with Jamescl
- ThatQadirGuy x5: MassiveTickets
- Gethelp x3: MassiveTickets
- _Omnomivore_ x3: MassiveTickets
- Thortuna x2: MassiveTickets
- Th3_Drunk_Monk x2: MassiveTickets
- LilDipper_ x2: MassiveTickets
- Shayin: MassiveTickets
- Jamescl: MassiveTickets
- panic15: MassiveTickets
- BillyA835: MassiveTickets
- Awes0meLawson: MassiveTickets
- Luthein: MassiveTickets
- Thortuna: Helpchat Support
- Jamescl: Helpchat Support
- Th3_Drunk_Monk: Helpchat Support
- LilDipper_: Helpchat Support
- Annju: Helpchat Support
- Sevrish x9: Helpchat Support
- Hakuretsu1987 x3: Helpchat Support
- Addrion x5: Helpchat Support
no activity
- Kellock93, Steltral, DJWingedHope x2: Week 04 Meeting.
- Kellock93 x7: Poor district construction.
- MonMarty x2: Move of the cute Island and restructuring.
- mojaveboogieman x5: Poor district construction.
- Danywood x2: Poor district construction.
- Steltral: Poor district construction.
- Steltral, Sexyrose_ x3: Scholar district construction.
- MonMarty x4: Scholar district construction.
- mojaveboogieman: House construction.
- Steltral, Shayin: Side street construction.
- Steltral x4: Backsquare construction.
- Sexyrose_, mojaveboogieman x3: Regalia back square construction.
- MonMarty, Steltral, mojaveboogieman, Sexyrose_: Backstreet from Scholar district completion.
- MonMarty x3: Bathhouse construction.
- Steltral x3: Etosian square construction.
- Sexyrose_, mojaveboogieman x2: Etosian square construction.
- Mojaveboogieman: Apartment construction.
- Steltral: Etosian square construction.
- Shayin x2: Etosian square construction.
- BabaManga, Shayin, Plecy, JakkDhread x2: Week 04 Meeting.
- Catcat1305 x2: Character Application Reviews.
- Jared4242: Character Application Reviews.
- JakkDhread: Character Application Assistance.
- MonMarty x4: Wrote Drow.
- Jared4242, Shayin: Processed Drow.
- MonMarty, Green_Hood x5: Wrote Rp Rules.
- Plecy, Shayin, MrHappyTinkles x2: Processed RP Rules.
- MonMarty x4: Lore QA.
- Shayin x4: Wrote Regalian Lore.
- Ryciera, Babamanga, Monmarty, Levers, Plecy: Processed Regalian Law.
- Shayin x3: Wrote Roleplay:Guard Etiquette.
- Ryciera, Babamanga, Monmarty, Levers, and Plecy: Processed Roleplay:Guard Etiquette.
- Terence29, Darkfarce x2: Week 04 Meeting.
- leversandpulleys, Awes0meLawson x2: Arach’n brainstorming sessions.
- leversandpulleys x3: Storyline and command revisions to The Lone Maiar, One Good Meal, and Free Haircut
- Brycea111 x2: Storyline and commands for The Lone Maiar.
- Addrion x2: Storyline and commands for One Good Meal.
- Oldmanj98 x2, Terence29 x1: Storyline and commands for Free Haircut.
- leversandpulleys x2: Implementation, regions, NPC’s, and QA for The Lone Maiar.
- Brycea111, Terence29: Quality assurance for The Lone Maiar.
- leversandpulleys x2: Quest training, advice, and suggestions for the new writers.
- leversandpulleys: Location details and 5 NPC’s for Free Haircut.
no activity
- Cayorion x2: (Monday) Minor bug fix to MassiveCore and answering questions on the issue tracker.
- Cayorion x2: (Tuesday) Emergency Server Restart
- Cayorion: x2: (Wednesday) Emergency Server Restart and Core Software Update.
- Ulumulu1510 x4: (Wednesday) Implement the f setpower command.
- Madus x6: (Wednesday) Reworked flag & perm cmd.