Table of Contents
- Cayorion x1: (Monday) Added this weekly changelog.
- Cayorion x2: (Monday) Individual Direction – Ulumulu1510 – MassiveLock.
- Cayorion x2: (Monday) Individual Direction – Ninjabaver – Graphic Profile.
- Cayorion x1: (Monday) Individual Direction – Cythyan and Lazzulai – Gathering bug fix and task material for tech and direction department.
- Cayorion x5, Thortuna x5, Gethelp x5, MonMarty x4, Addrion x3: (Wednesday) Direction Meeting
- Thortuna x3, MonMarty x3, Gethelp x3, Diaphonos x3: (Wednesday) Extra Direction Meeting
- Cayorion x1: (Friday) Individual Direction – Tech Department – MassiveLock
- Thortuna x4: Dedefinition of protocols for gamestaff
- Thortuna x2: Gamestaff Meeting setup and hosting
- Thortuna x2: Individual Explanations and discussions with gamestaff about the new protocols
- Thortuna: Adding Barsi_ to Gamestaff
- Thortuna: Community discussion
- Thortuna: Rank 3 introduction with Diaphonos
- Thortuna, Gethelp, MonMarty x2: Week 4 Team Meeting participation
- Thortuna: Point assignments for Game, Bo2 squad, Meeting and PR.
- Thortuna: Weekly Team meeting setup
- Thortuna x2: Internal staff dispute handling
- Thortuna x2: Individual Direction – Cayorion – Consulting on MassiveLock, giving feedback about design choices.
- Thortuna x3: Directioning the gamestaff department
- Thortuna x2: Individual Direction – Ynzy and Oblivaify – On being gamestaff aspirants
- Thortuna: Individual Direction – Lazzulai – Major projects
- Thortuna: Individual Direction – Diaphonos – Major projects
- Lazzulai x2, Jackson413 x2: Week 4 Team Meeting participation
- Thortuna x1, Omnomivore x5, Addrion x1, Lazzulai x2, Cythyan x1: MassiveTickets
- Thortuna, Lazzulai, JoyShake, Barsi_ x1: HelpChat
- Oblivaify x2, Ynzy x4: Helpchat
- Omnomivore x1, Thortuna x3: Ban Appeals
- Thortuna: Ban appeal cleanup
- Thortuna x3, Omnomivore x1: Player Reports
- Thortuna x27, Omnomivore x18, Gethelp x10: Gamestaff assistance
- Thortuna x2: Long MassiveTickets
- Omnomivore x2: Documentation updates
- Omnomivore x1: Game Info Update + Google Doc Cleanup
- Lazzulai: Homepage update
- Thortuna x4, Lazzulai: Setup, management and Hosting PopUp PvP Tournament
- Omnomivore x3, Addrion x3, Cythyan x3, Oblivaify x3, Ynzy x3: PvP Event moderation
- Thortuna x4: Random training throughout the week.
- Thortuna: Email Confirmation
- Thortuna x2: Forum Cleanup
- Lazzulai: Regalia Minecart Chest Cleanup
- Omnomivore x2, JoyShake x2, Ynzy x2, Oblivaify x2: Week 4 Team Meeting participation
- Cythyan x2: Week 4 Team Meeting participation
- Lazzulai x3: Arena build in Event world
- Kellock93, Medvekoma x2, Finn_Ish x2, MrHappyTinkles x2: Week 4 Team Meeting participation
- OldManJ98 x1, Madus x1, Diaphonos x1, Kronova x2: TreeDarkOakDrapping Bo2 Pack completion.
- Kronova: Screenshots, readme file and finishing of TreeDarkOakDrapping Bo2 pack
- Kronova: Moving and splitting Bo2 packs to fit individual styles better.
- Mojaven, Snakeeyes205 x20: Noble estate center.
- 0romir: Lore Q&A.
- TheBioverse: Lore Q&A.
- Green_Hood x3: Lore Q&A.
- Jared4242 x5: Character applications.
- TheBioverse: Character applications.
- Batmanfive, Jared4242 x3: Wrote Morgann Kade.
- 0romir, Plecy: Processed Morgann Kade.
- Hiu x3: Wrote Vladamir Kade.
- 0romir, Shuikenai, Jared4242: Processed Vladamir Kade.
- MrHappyTinkles: Wrote Middencroft’s Decoction.
- Lord_Immortal, 0romir, Jared4242, Ryciera: Processed Middencroft’s Decoction.
- MrHappyTinkles: Wrote Auzar.
- 0romir, Lord_Immortal, Ryciera: Processed Auzar.
- Jared4242: Wrote Cedril Medwe.
- Shayin, Lord_Immortal, TyrolleanEagle: Processed Cedril Medwe.
- Jared4242: Wrote Cedron Medwe.
- Shuikenai, Shayin: Processed Cedron Medwe.
- Lord_Immortal: Vivrarl spiritinfo.
- MonMarty x4: World Progression (01/31).
- Lord_Immortal x2: Processed World Progression.
- TheBioverse x5: Redid Fire Magic.
- Jared4242, Ryciera x2: Processed redid Fire Magic.
- MrHappyTinkles x4: Wrote Zweihand Dueling.
- Ryciera, Shuikenai x2: Processed Zweihand Dueling.
- MrHappyTinkles: Wrote Vocadine.
- TheBioverse, Jared4242, Ryciera: Processed Vocadine.
- MrHappyTinkles: Wrote Dorinn Herbal.
- Jared4242, Ryciera: Processed Dorinn Herbal.
- Shayin x2, babayonce x2, Jared4242 x2, TyrolleanEagle x2, Lord_Immortal x2: Week 4 Team Meeting participation
- Plecy: Processed Temple Horror.
- Avaniswari x2, imboring56 x2: Week 4 Team Meeting participation
- Ninjabaver x2: (Monday) Graphic Profile – Plugin Logo – MassiveRestore
- Diaphonos x3, Barsi_ x3, Ragnio x3: Pr Meeting
- Cayorion x1, Diaphonos x1, Barsi_ x2, Ragnio x1: Nether release posts
- Diaphonos x2: Vampire Post
- Ragnio x2, ninjabaver x2, Barsi_ x2: Week 4 Team Meeting participation
- Cayorion x1, Madus x1, Ulumulu1510 x3: (Monday) MassiveCore and MassiveLock – Development
- Cayorion x9 Ulumulu1510 x2: (Tuesday) MassiveCore and MassiveLock – Development
- Cayorion x9: (Thursday) Installed a new anti cheat plugin. Made required changes to MassiveBasic and MassiveChat for good cooperation.
- Madus x1: (Wednesday) MassiveCore – Editor improvements. Hide edit commands for uneditable properties.
- Madus x1: (Friday) MassiveCore – More editor improvements. And usability bug fixes.
- Madus x3: (Friday) MassiveLock – Bug fixes.
- Ulumulu1510 x3: (Friday) MassiveLock – Bug fixes related to armor stands and explosions.
- Cayorion, Madus, Ulumulu1510 x3: (Friday) MassiveLock – Development Meeting.
- Cayorion x2: (Saturday) MassiveLock – Fixing TypePart ID and Button utility class.
- Madus x2: (Saturday) MassiveCore / MassiveLock – Improving the container editor.