Table of Contents
- Cayorion x1: (Monday) Added this weekly changelog.
- Cayorion x2, Thortuna x2, MonMarty x2, Gethelp x2: (Monday) Direction Meeting.
- Cayorion x1: (Tuesday) Individual Direction – MarkehMe – MassiveCore Cauldron Support
- Thortuna x1: Individual Direction – Ynzy – Gamestaff aspirancy
- Thortuna x1: Forum Maintenance
- Thortuna x1: Individual Directon – Addrion
- Thortuna x2: Info project feedback – Announcements
- Addrion: Info project feedback – Announcements
- Thortuna: Individual Direction – JoyShake – Activity
- Gethelp: Individual Direction – Lazzulai – Feedback on Koth builds
- Thortuna x2: Weekly Team Meeting Setup
- Thortuna x2: Point Reports for Game, PR, Quest and PvP department
- Gethelp x2, MonMarty x2, Thortuna x2, Addrion x2: Direction and Team Meeting
- Thortuna: Feedback for Kronova on proposed Sundar Isle Bo2 packs
- Jackson413 x7, Lazzulai x1, Ynzy x1, 0romir x1: Announcement messages revamp
- Lazzulai x2, Jackson413 x2: Weekly Team Meeting
- Thortuna x2, Omnomivore x3, Addrion x1, Lazzulai x3, JoyShake x1, Jackson413 x1: MassiveTickets
- Omnomivore x1, Lazzulai x1, JoyShake x1, Jackson413 x1, Oblivaify x2, Ynzy x4: HelpChat
- Omnomivore x2: Ban appeals
- Thortuna x18, Gethelp x20, Omnomivore x3, Lazzulai x5: Gamestaff Assistance
- Thortuna x2, Gethelp x1, Omnomivore x2, Addrion x2, Lazzulai x1, JoyShake x1, Jackson413 x2: Long MassiveTickets
- Omnomivore x4: AAC documentations and feedback with Cayorion
- Thortun x1, Addrion x2: Valentines day item handout
- Gethelp x5, Addrion x5, Lazzulai x5: Baver Event
- Gethelp x4: Stat Transfers
- Gethelp x6: Warzone removal, maintenance and applications
- Gethelp: Email Confirmations
- Gethelp, Thortuna: Forum Cleanup
- Thortuna: Account transfers over the last month
- Gethelp x4: Market Shop Maintenance and Evictions, chest shop bug testing
- Ynzy x2: Weekly Team Meeting
- Gethelp x10: KitPvP maintenance
- Gethelp x2, Thortuna x2, Cayorion x2, MonMarty x2: Play testing KitPvP
- Gethelp: Raid moderation
- Lazzulai x3: Koth building
- Kronova x2, Medvekoma x2: Weekly Team Meeting
- Kronova x7: WaterKorallSpongeFan Bo2 Pack completion.
- Kronova: Readme file, quality check of Bo2 packs and made them ready for export.
- Jared4242 x8: Character applications.
- Ryciera: Character applications.
- 0romir: Character applications.
- Lord_Immortal x4: Character applications.
- Shayin x5: Character applications.
- TheBioverse: Lore Q&A.
- Green_Hood x2: Lore Q&A.
- Ryciera: Lore Q&A.
- TheBioverse x4: Wrote Lightning Magic.
- BuffyCreepSlayer, Shayin x2: Processed Lightning Magic.
- Barsi_ x2: Wrote Dick Cantaloupe.
- TheBioverse, Shayin, Ryciera: Processed Dick Cantaloupe.
- The_Shadow_King3 x2: Wrote Kholeska.
- 0romir, TheBioverse: Processed Knoleska.
- Eyrok: Wrote Obscura.
- Eccetra, TheBioverse, Ryciera, Shayin: Processed Obscura.
- 0romir: Wrote Thelwen Brew.
- Jared4242, Plecy: Processed Thelwen Brew.
- Eledana: Wrote Lady’s Shine.
- Eccetra, 0romir, Shayin: Processed Lady’s Shine.
- MourningDoves: Wrote Hempaben’s Herb.
- Shayin, Eledana, Enkiduu, 0romir: Processed Hempaben’s Herb.
- The_Shadow_King3: Wrote Ssastfa.
- Ryciera, Eccetra, 0romir, Shuikenai: Processed Ssastfa.
- Naerishi x3: Wrote Aeifshal.
- Shuikenai, 0romir, Plecy: Processed Aeifshal.
- Eyrok x2: Wrote Dakkarsand.
- Eccetra, Plecy, Shuikenai, Ryciera: Processed Dakkarsand.
- The_Shadow_King3: Wrote Praeter Stew Horn.
- Shuikenai, Shayin: Processed Praeter Stew Horn.
- Eccetra x2: Wrote Vile Rat.
- Ryciera, Plecy: Processed Vile Rat.
- Green_Hood, BuffyCreepSlayer: Wiki maintenance (reworked magics to be compliant again).
- Ryciera x3: Wiki maintenance (“Written by [Name] category, Vices and Virtue page rework, Infobox tweak, roleplay guide rework).
- babayonce x2, Shayin x2, 0romir x2, TyrolleanEagle x2, TheBioverse x2, Jared4242 x2, Ryciera x2: Weekly Team Meeting
- Avaniswari x2: Weekly Team Meeting
- Barsi_, Ragnio: The Obscure Oyster Help
- Barsi_ x2: Harbour Post
- Barsi_: Harbour Screenshots
- Diaphonos x2: Creative Pitch direction, topics and compilation
- Barsi_ x2: Creative Pitch Screenshots and Writing
- Ragnio: Creative Pitch Writing
- Barsi_ x2, ninjabaver x2, Ragnio x2: Weekly Team Meeting
- Gethelp x3, Cayorion x1: (Tuesday) Configuration file changes by Gethelp.
- Cayorion x2: (Tuesday) Researching and tweaking the anti cheat configuration. It is getting better but it’s not yet good enough.
- Madus x2: Weekly Team Meeting