Table of Contents
- Starting a Siege
- Ending a Siege
- Starting a Clash
- During a Clash
- Ending a Clash
- Skip Clash Mechanic
- Restrictions
- Differences from Combat Flag
- Siege Lock Mechanics
- What does Siege Lock prevent?
- What does Siege Lock not cover?
- Siege Lock Auto Removal Cases
- Faction MFlags
- Faction MPerms
- Kingdom KPerms
- Conquer
- Pillage
- Automated Actions
- Backup
- Snapshot Restoration
- Cleaning
- Border Creation
- Restore from Backup
- Banner Placement
- Clash Zone Color Changing
- Player Commands
- Administrative Commands
- Common
- Siege
- Restrictions
- Error Handling
- WorldEdit
- Visualization
- Announcement
- Pricing
- Kingdom
- Siege Zone
- Third Party Effects
- Conquer
- Non-Clash
- Spoils
- Clash
- Siege Flag
- Aliases
- Shrek
Starting a Siege
A siege must start with a proposal and meet the conditions of the starting checklist. See the siege start checklist for more information.
After a successful proposal members of the kingdom may view the siege proposal with /siege visualize
If the kingdom wishes to proceed, anyone with the KPerm Siege may confirm the siege to start.
Siege Start Procedure
- If enableSiegeZoneTeleport is enabled
- Players are teleported out of the siege zone
- If WorldEdit is enabled
- The siege zone is backed up as a schematic
- The siege zone is restored from the WorldEdit snapshot
- The siege zone is cleaned, removing any blocks that may be detrimental for pvp. See WorldEdit cleaning
- A border is drawn around the siege zone
- A faction is created that will mark the siege zone
- This can prevent players from building see siege zone settings
- Explosions can be prevented in the siege zone as well see siege zone settings
- The faction is also used to prevent faction claims in the siege zone for the duration of the siege
- The defending faction is flagged siege
- Siege broadcasts to the siege channel (if enabled, see announcement settings), the kingdom, and anyone eligible to participate in the siege
Start Checklist
- Are Sieges enabled?
See enableSieges in configuration
- Is the world we’re attempting to siege in the list of enabled worlds?
- See enabledWorlds in configuration
- If WorldEdit is enabled, are the snapshots valid for the world the siege is being proposed in?
- A scary error will be shown to the player prompting them to make a ticket if this check fails
- Is the command runner part of a kingdom?
- Only kingdoms may attack a defending faction.
- Is the command runner attempting to siege the wilderness faction?
- Wilderness cannot be sieged.
- Is the command running attempting to siege an alternate faction?
- Alternate factions cannot be sieged.
- Is the command runner attempting to siege a faction with the MFlag TruceAll?
- Factions with the TruceAll flag cannot be sieged unless DeveloperMode is enabled. See developer mode
- Is the command runner attempting to siege a faction with the MFlag InfPower?
- Factions with the InfPower flag cannot be sieged.
- Is the command runner attempting to siege a faction with the MFlag Permanent?
- Factions with the Permanent flag cannot be sieged unless DeveloperMode is enabled. See developer mode
- Is the faction currently being sieged?
- A faction may only be sieged by one kingdom at a time
- Is the faction old enough to be sieged?
- Operators of Sieges may elect to prevent new factions to be sieged. See restrictions.
- Does the attacking kingdom have a banner set?
- Kingdoms without a banner may set them with /k banner
- Does the kingdom have enough money to start the siege?
- The cost to start a siege is calculated by startStaticCost + (startCostPerChunk * factionClaimedChunks)
- See pricing for more information
- Does the kingdom have too many sieges active?
- See restrictions for more information
- Does the command runner have permission to start a siege?
- Players that wish to start a siege must have the KPerm ManageSiege to start a siege
- Is the command runner attempting to siege a faction that is already part of their kingdom?
- Factions cannot be sieged by their own kingdom
- Has the attacking kingdom enemied the faction they wish to attack?
- The kingdom must /k enemy the faction in order to attack them
- Is the faction in a siege cooldown?
- Factions that are in a siege cooldown cannot be sieged without the cooldown expiring or cleared by an operator. See factions siege cooldown
- Is the faction already in the kingdom’s spoils?
- A kingdom may not attack a faction if it is in their spoils
- Are there any claimed chunks in the area that could become the siege zone?
- A siege and its respective siege zone cannot take place if there are chunks claimed
- Are enough chunks of the defending faction’s claim touching the siege zone?
- See siege zone settings for more information
Ending a Siege
Normal Siege End
A siege will end gracefully when the time runs out. The following will happen when a siege ends normally.
Attacker Wins Siege
- The defending faction will automatically join the kingdom for X (see siege settings)
- If the losing faction contains the leader of the kingdom, the promote new leader logic will run:
- The faction still joins the successful kingdom
- A list of players holding the rank under the king is generated and one is selected randomly
- If there are no eligible leaders, the kingdom is automatically disbanded
- The defending faction is added to the attacking kingdom’s spoils. See spoils for more information.
- The attacking kingdom is refunded the price to start the siege
- Siege lock is extended on the players and the factions (see siege lock)
- An event is fired so that the new faction members can be added to sieges that they may have permission to be part of as a result of joining the attacking kingdom
Defender Wins Siege
- The defending faction gets the money that the attacking kingdom paid to start the siege
- The defending faction stays in its current kingdom or independent kingdom
- Siege lock is lifted from all members and the faction
Siege Tie
- The money paid to start the siege is split between the attacking kingdom and the defending faction
- The defending faction stays in its current kingdom or independent kingdom
- Siege lock is lifted from all members and the faction
Normal Siege End Steps
- A cooldown is applied to the defending faction giving them immunity for X (see factionSiegeCooldown and the associated factions siege cooldown)
- If WorldEdit is enabled
- The schematic of the siege zone is restored from backup
- The siege zone faction is automatically disbanded, without a message
- A message is sent to all participants of a siege and into the sieges channel if enabled
Administrative Siege End
Operators of the siege plugin have two ways to end a siege gracefully.
- Forcing a siege to end will cause the Sieges plugin to try to end the siege gracefully
- WorldEdit will restore the land if enabled
- Siege lock is lifted
- Siege cooldown is not applied to the defending faction
- The siege zone faction is disbanded
- Participants of the siege are informed of the cancellation
- The cleanup command should only be run if instructed by tech in the event of a fault with the plugin
- Cleanup will fire a recovery event and sieges will attempt to cancel the siege in a null-safe way, cleanup may be required if there are errors
- WorldEdit will restore the land if able
- The siege zone faction will be disbanded if Sieges can find it
- All data objects are dumped into files so that they can be analyzed
- An error is displayed to the participants of the siege
Faction Siege Cooldown
After a siege ends normally, the defending faction is automatically granted a siege cooldown period in which it may not be sieged by another kingdom.
Managing Faction Siege Cooldowns
Faction siege cooldowns can be both set and cleared. See faction siege cooldown commands for more information.
Clashes are the most intense part of any siege. During a clash, players that die while their siege flag is active contribute points to a clash score. Additionally, the center chunk of a siege zone becomes a capture zone, where players can capture in a king of the hill style scoring system. Clashes are winner-take-all, only the winner of a clash will have their points added to the score of a siege.
Starting a Clash
Clashes are automatically started by the Sieges plugin at configured times. See clash settings for configuration details. Additionally, clashes may be started for administrative purposes with /siege clash start <siege>
When a clash starts, the center chunk of a siege zone is changed to white and banners are placed, signifying that the siege zone has not been captured yet.
During a Clash
During a clash, the capture zone, or the center chunk of the siege zone, is highlighted with white, red or blue wool to designate what side currently has control of it.
Becoming a capturer
- During a clash, players may stand on the capture zone as an uncontested side to be added to the list of capturing players. Capturing players will add score to the clash periodically.
- The clash zone cannot be captured by a single side if players from multiple sides are present in the zone.
- If the opposing side captures a clash zone, the capturing list is cleared.
During a clash there are two ways for players to add to a clash score:
- Player kills
- Killers during a clash should count for more points than when a clash is not active. See clash settings for more information.
- Clash capture
- Every player on the capturing list will add X points (clashPointsPerDurationWhileCaptured) every X time (clashPointsDurationAddPoints)
Ending a Clash
Clashes can end two different ways:
Regular End
Clashes can end as regularly scheduled. When the clash ends and the time has expired, the side with the higher score will have their clash score added to the overall siege score. This will also be added to the score log.
Administrative End
Operators can opt to cancel an existing clash if a case arises that warrants a cancellation with /siege clash cancel <clash>. When a clash is canceled, no points are awarded to either side of the siege and the clash will show up in the siege’s clash list with a status of canceled.
Skip Clash Mechanic
A systematic way for clashes to be skipped to align for better sleep for participants has been included with version 1 of sieges. This mechanic exists if a siege is between an attacking kingdom and a defending faction that has a parent kingdom.
Kingdom players with the permission ManageSiege can opt to set a skip time with /siege pref kingdom skipclash set. If both the attacking and defending kingdom share a skipclash time, a clash will not occur and a message informing all participants is sent when this happens.
There is a cooldown for setting a skipclash time and it is configurable with the configuration value kingdomSkipClashCooldown
Siege Flag
Siege flag is a close, but more complicated relative of combat flag. Players that die while they possess one or more siege flags will contribute points to the opposing side of a siege.
- Siege flags are tied to individual sieges and sides.
- It is entirely possible for a player to be flagged on both sides of a siege or even be flagged in multiple sieges.
- Players can be both combat flagged and siege flagged simultaneously
- Denied permissions from siege flag are directly inherited from MassiveCombat settings. See MassiveCombat configuration options flagPermissions and flagCommands.
Potion Effects
- Denied potion effects from siege flag are also directly inherited from MassiveCombat
- Activation of siege flag in any manner will cause MassiveCombat potion handling to go into effect
Log off
- Players that log off while siege flagged will die just like combat flag
- Certain racial abilities are automatically disabled while siege flagged
Differences from Combat Flag
Movement configurations
- Siege flag can be configured to only wear off if the player stays within a single chunk. See the settings for usage.
- Using the setting will cause the siege flag to extend to the default length upon changing chunks
Siege Zone Configurations
- Siege flag can automatically be configured to activate and persist if a player enters a siege zone in which they’re a participant. See the settings for usage.
Siege Lock
Siege lock is a mechanic that prevents factions from leaving their kingdoms and players from leaving their factions in certain circumstances.
Siege Lock Mechanics
- At the start of a siege
- When a siege begins, all siege participants in the defending faction are locked in the faction until at least the end of the siege
- During a siege
- When a new player joins a defending faction and becomes a participant, the participant is locked in the faction until at least the end of the siege
- After a siege
- If the siege ends with an attacker victory
- The faction player locks are extended for the duration of at least the duration of the initial conquer time
- The losing faction is locked into the victorious kingdom for at least the duration of the initial conquer time
- If the siege ends with anything else than an attacker victory (defense victory, tie, or cancellation)
- Faction player locks are automatically removed
- The defending faction is not locked into the attacking kingdom
- When a spoil is claimed
- With the pillage option
- If the losing faction is unable to afford the pillage price, the faction and its players are locked for conquerLengthInsufficientMoney
- If the losing faction is able to afford the pillage price, all locks are removed
- With the conquer option
- The losing faction and its players are locked for conquerLength
What does Siege Lock prevent?
- Locked players cannot
- Leave their faction
- Be kicked from their faction
- Locked factions cannot
- Leave their kingdom
What does Siege Lock not cover?
Siege lock only covers the participants of the immediate defending faction. Attacking participants and allied participants on either the attacking or defending side are not subjected to lock mechanics.
Siege lock does not prevent factions from disbanding and leaving the kingdom. It also does not prevent players from timing out of factions.
Siege Lock Auto Removal Cases
Here are when Sieges will automatically clear factions and/or player locks:
- If a conquered faction is kicked from its kingdom
- All players are unlocked
- The faction is unlocked
- If a faction disbands
- All players are unlocked
- If a kingdom disbands
- All players are unlocked
- All conquered factions are unlocked
- If a siege is canceled or recovered
- All players are unlocked
- If a defending faction wins a siege
- All players are unlocked
Flags and Perms added to Factions and Kingdoms
Faction MFlags
- Siege
- Denotes if the faction is under siege
- This flag should not be changed by staff
- SiegeZone
- Denotes if a faction is a placeholder for a siege zone
- This flag should not be changed by staff
Faction MPerms
- Forfeit
- Denotes who can forfeit a siege if the faction is independent
- If the faction is in a kingdom, forfeiting permission is handled through its parent KPerm
- Forfeit can only be granted to ranks within a faction
- SiegeGuard
- Denotes who may participate in a siege if the faction does not belong to a kingdom (independent faction)
- If the faction is in a kingdom, siege participation is determined by the ParticipateSiege KPerm
- SiegeGuard can only be granted to ranks within a faction
Kingdom KPerms
- Forfeit
- Denotes who may forfeit a siege at the kingdom level
- Forfeit can only be granted to ranks within a kingdom
- ManageSiege
- Denotes what ranks within a kingdom may propose sieges, confirm sieges, manage clash skips for a kingdom and cancel proposals
- ManageSiege can only be granted to ranks with a kingdom
- ManageSpoils
- Denotes what ranks within a kingdom may claim spoils from winning a siege
- ManageSpoils can only be granted to ranks within a kingdom
- ParticipateSiege
- Denotes what ranks within a kingdom may participate in a siege
- This will override the faction SiegeGuard permission if the faction belongs to a kingdom
- ParticipateSiege can only be granted to ranks within a kingdom
When an attacking kingdom wins a siege, the defending faction will enter into the attacking kingdom’s spoils.
- This will lock the faction and its players into the kingdom for a specific duration see conquer length.
- If the faction leaves the kingdom after its initial conquer duration at the end of the siege, the faction will automatically rejoin its claiming kingdom and both its members and the faction will be locked for the duration.
- This scenario is not possible with the default configuration
- Pillaging a faction will attempt to take the pillage price from the defending faction’s bank and give it to the kingdom
- Pillage price is calculated by pillageStaticAmount + (pillagingScaleAmountPerPlayer * <numberOfPlayersInFaction)
- If the defending faction cannot afford the pillage price, the faction is instead conquered for a custom amount of time (see conquer configuration).
Automated Actions
- Spoils are automatically removed from kingdoms in the following ways:
- Failure to claim a spoil in time (see spoils configuration)
- The faction was sieged by another kingdom
- This scenario is not possible with the default configuration
- The faction was claimed as a spoil by a different kingdom
- This scenario is not possible with the default configuration
- The faction disbands
Third Party Handling
- Any player that is not a participant of a siege, but enters into the siege zone will receive debilitating potion status effects.
- Additionally flashing text is shown on the player’s screen
- Third party status is removed upon exiting the siege zone
- Non participants that fire projectiles into a siege zone will have their health set to half a heart
- Any player with Faction Override active, is vanished, or is in spectator is completely immune from third party handling.
This section is only applicable if enableWorldEdit is enabled in the config.
- Backup occurs before any other action at the start of a siege
- At the start of a siege, sieges will copy the area where the siege zone takes place and backs it up prior to restoration
- If there is a failure at this step, the siege will be automatically canceled
Snapshot Restoration
- Restoration happens before the start of a siege and at the end of a clash
- WorldEdit will restore the area programmatically from the saved WorldEdit snapshot
- If there is a failure at this step during siege start, the siege will be automatically canceled
- The purpose of this step is to specifically help mitigate a trap meta where players will build traps to kill each other
- Cleaning is a function of the WorldEdit utility that tries to programmatically create the best possible environment for combat.
- Cleanup occurs after any restoration action
- Currently when a siege starts and a clash ends
- There are two cleaning operations with the cleaning function
- Air Replacement
- Config worldEditAirMaskBlocks
- Any block in the restored region that should be changed to air
- Ferns, bushes, cobwebs are examples of things that should be removed from a siege zone
- Grass Replacement
- Config worldEditGrassMaskBlocks
- Any block in the restored region that should be changed to grass
- Water, lava, honey block, magma block, coral, kelp are examples of things that should be set to grass
- This operation allows sieges to take place in areas that would otherwise be water
Border Creation
- After the cleaning operation is complete, Sieges will draw an obsidian border around the siege zone to help identify where the area is
- If there is a failure at this step, the siege will be automatically canceled
Restore from Backup
- Sieges will automatically restore the siege zone from the backed up schematic
- If there is a failure at this step, a staff can paste the schematic manually
Banner Placement
- While not handled directly through WorldEdit, Sieges automatically places banners in the middle of a clash capture zone at the start of a clash
Clash Zone Color Changing
- When a clash zone is captured or the side controlling the capture zone changes, WorldEdit will change the color of the blocks in the zone to reflect the side
Player Commands
- /siege clash list <siege> – List the clashes of a siege
- /siege clash show <clash> – Show details of a clash
Siege Start Management
- /siege here <faction> – Propose a siege
- /siege visualize <true/false> – Toggle visualization to where a siege zone will be
- /siege confirm <faction> – Confirm a siege to start
- /siege herecancel – Cancel an active siege proposal
Siege Flag
- /siege flag show <player> <page> – Show active siege flags and the time remaining
- /siege forfeit <siegeName> – Forfeit a siege
- /siege history clash list <siege> <page> – List clash results for a concluded siege
- /siege history clash show <clash> – Show the results of a clash from a concluded siege
- /siege history siege list <page> – List siege results from concluded sieges
- /siege history siege show <siege> – Show the results of a concluded siege
- /siege lock list faction – List all conquered factions
- /siege lock list player – List all locked players
- /siege lock show faction – Show the remaining time for a faction conquer
- /siege lock show player – Show the remaining time for a player lock
- /siege pref kingdom skipclash set <time> <kingdom> – Set a preferred skip time for a clash
- /siege pref kingdom skipclash show <kingdom> – Show the preferred skip time for a clash
- /siege show <siegeName> – Show the details of a siege
- /siege list <page> – List active sieges
- /siege spoils claim conquer <faction> <kingdom> – Conquer a faction to claim a spoil
- /siege spoils claim pillage <faction> <kingdom> – Pillage the faction to claim a spoil
- /siege spoils list <kingdom> – List the spoils a kingdom has
Administrative Commands
- /siege cancel force <siegeName> – Cancel a siege gracefully
- /siege cancel cleanup <siegeName> – Fire a recovery event to try to recover from a siege error
- This command should be used only under instruction from tech
- /siege clash start <siegeName> – Forcefully start a siege
- If the forcefully-started clash ends after a siege scheduled time, the scheduled clash for the siege will be skipped. Multiple active clashes should never happen for a single siege.
- /siege clash cancel <clashName> – Forcefully end a siege
- All points for the clash will not count to siege side of the siege
- The clash is stored in the clash list for the siege and will have a status of canceled
- /siege config <item> <options>
- Invalid or misconfigured items in the sieges plugin could have lasting downstream impacts including adding significant amounts of working having to clean up stuff
- Make certain to reference the configuration item in the runbook to ensure the configuration value being changed is correct
- Ask questions to clarify uncertainty
Faction Cooldown
- /siege cooldown clear – Remove a faction’s siege cooldown
- The faction will be able to be sieged if it satisfies the siege start checklist
- /siege cooldown set <factionName> <time> – Set a faction’s siege cooldown
- The faction will be unable to be sieged
Siege Editing
- /siege edit endtime <siege> <duration> – Set when a siege will end
- /si edit endtime ExampleSiege 1m – ExampleSiege will end in 1 minute
- /siege edit score add <siege> <side> <amount> – Add score to a siege
- /si edit score add ExampleSiege attacking 10 – Will add 10 points to the attacking side
- An entry will be created in the siege scorelog showing that an operator added points for reason “STAFF”
- /siege edit score subtract <siege> <side> amount – Remove score from a siege
Siege Flag
- /siege flag force <player> <siege> <side> <duration> – Force flag a player
- /si flag ExamplePlayer ExampleSiege Defending 1m – Will flag ExamplePlayer for ExampleSiege for the defending side for 1 minute
- If ExamplePlayer dies during this time, they will add points to the attacking side
- Forcing a flag should typically only be used in a testing environment as it does not check participants of a siege
- /siege lock clear <faction> – Clear a faction’s conquer status
- The faction will be able to leave its kingdom
- /siege lock clear <player> – Clear a player’s lock status
- The player will be able to leave their faction
- /siege lock set <faction> <duration> – Force conquer a faction
- A lock can only be set to a faction if it belongs a kingdom, make sure to force join the faction into a kingdom if it needs to be locked
- /siege lock set <player> <duration> – Force lock a player
- A player lock can only be set if the player belongs to a faction, make sure to force join the player into a faction if they need to be locked
- /siege spoils remove <kingdom> <faction> – Forcefully remove a spoil from a kingdom
- A message will be sent to the kingdom informing them that the spoil has been removed
Common Scenario Handling
- Ticket: “I just started a siege, but something is wrong”
- Scenarios
- The area is messed up due to a failure to restore
- An error message popped up telling the player to report an error
- The siege doesn’t exist
- The siege zone faction failed to create
- Tag @Tech on the discord
- Tech may instruct using the cleanup command
- Report any findings so that the bug can be fixed
- Ticket: “I just tried to siege <ProbableAlternateFaction> and I think it’s actually an alt faction”
- Alternate factions cannot be part of kingdoms nor can they be sieged
- If the faction is determined to be an alt faction, continue
- Cancel the siege forcefully with /siege cancel force <siege>
- Mark the faction as an alternate faction with /f flag
- Remove the alternate faction from its kingdom if it is part of one
- Follow appropriate game staff guide on failure to report an alt faction
- Ticket: “<AlternateAccount> just killed me in a siege”
- Alternate accounts are not allowed to participate in sieges. See the definition of what an alternate account is on the rules page
- Handle the alternate account according to rules guidelines
- Warn and optionally punish the main account
- Subtract the points scored by the alternate account with /siege edit score
- Ticket: “<faction> is surrounded by another faction or is in a corner and I can’t siege it.”
- Sieges does not have logic for sieging factions where the siege zone doesn’t touch a faction
- An implementation will be created that will allow for staff assistance to create a siege zone near a faction that an attacker wishes to siege
- This feature is not planned for v1
- For the time being, factions that are surrounded by other faction claim or alt faction claim should not be allowed. This should be treated as a claim violation for the time being
- Ticket: “There is a lava cast (or other structure) preventing people from easily accessing a siege zone.”
- Clean up the structures that was created by the player(s), ideally with WorldEdit restore
- This should be treated as a terrain griefing violation. Players responsible should be banned for at least the duration of the siege on first violation
- Ticket: “I started a siege and <new block introduced with update> wasn’t removed from the siege zone and it significantly affects our ability to fight.”
- Clean up the siege zone with WorldEdit to replace the unwanted block(s) with air or grass
- Work with tech to update the configuration to add the unwanted block(s) to the WorldEdit replacement masks used to clean the siege zone
- Ticket: “I can’t leave my faction because I’m locked from leaving and the siege is ongoing.”
- In most cases, the player should remain in their faction until their lock times out, but there are sometimes exceptions.
- Use your best judgement deciding if the player should be unlocked
- If the player participated in the siege, most times, the player likely should wait out the duration of their lock
How does Faction Override (/f admin) interact with Sieges?
- Sieges are free
- Any faction or kingdom permission requirement is ignored
- Permission to manage spoils
- Permission to start/confirm sieges
- Permission to forfeit
- Overriding (and vanished or spectating) operators are immune from third party status and the status is removed automatically upon activation
- enableSieges
- Default – False
- A master switch to enable or disable the creation of new sieges.
- Toggling this will not cancel existing sieges. Operators will need to cancel sieges individually.
- enableSiegeZoneTeleport
- Default – True
- Enable teleporting players out of a siege zone before WorldEdit operations commence.
- This is recommended to be on if WorldEdit is enabled so that players will not suffocate.
- enableHistory
- Default – True
- When a siege concludes, if this option is enabled, it and its respective clashes will be archived and accessible with /siege history.
- retainSiegeHistory
- Default – 3 Months
- Siege and clash history records are automatically cleaned during the server cleaning schedule. This option can be adjusted to determine how long records should be retained.
- enabledWorlds
- Default – Empty
- The worlds that sieges can be started in.
- It’s strongly recommended to wait some time after a new world is released before adding it to this list.
- Remember: all worlds in this list should be lowercase
- developerMode
- Default – False
- Allows developers to bypass certain checks for rapid testing of Sieges including the ability to lay siege to factions with the flag TruceAll.
- This option should never be enabled in a production environment.
- econEnabled
- Default – True
- Disabling this option makes starting a siege free and disables the war chest functionality.
- siegeChar
- Default – “→”
- The default formatting of a siege name is “attackingKingdom→defendingFaction”
- Changing this will change the character in the middle.
- Note: Some characters will look funny in log messages and in console.
- duration
- Default – 3 days
- The default duration of a siege at start
- enableSiegeLock
- Default – True
- A master switch for the siege lock functionality
- See SiegeLock
- siegesTryEndPeriod
- Default – 1 minute
- This setting controls how often Sieges should check all ongoing sieges to see if they can be concluded.
- factionSiegeCooldown
- Default – 3 days
- After a siege concludes, regardless of the outcome, a cooldown can be set to disallow the defending faction from being sieged
- factionJoinKingdomAfterSiegeDefaultLength
- Default – 3 days
- When a siege concludes resulting in a defender loss, the defending faction is forced to join the kingdom for a default amount of time
- This time can be extended depending on the attacker’s spoil claim
- ongoingSiegesAllowedPerKingdom
- Default – 1
- The number of sieges a single kingdom may have active
- minimumFactionAgeToStartSiege
- Default 1 millisecond
- The minimum age a faction must be to be sieged
Error Handling
- saveErrors
- Default – true
- Should Sieges save errors in the event of a failure or recovery?
- This should never be disabled unless there is a bug with error logging
- errorPathDefault
- Default – “”plugins/Sieges/errors/”
- Sieges will save errors in the event of a failure recovery
- This should never be changed unless directed by the system admin
- enableWorldEdit
- Default – true
- This is a master switch for WorldEdit. All WorldEdit actions will be disabled at the start and end of a siege as well as the starting and ending of a clash and clash color changing operations
- Disabling this will allow for “trap meta” unless directly moderated
- filePathDefault
- Default – “plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit/schematics/”
- Sieges will save schematics at the start of each siege in this server location
- This should not be changed unless directed by the system admin
- filePathAppend
- Default – “sieges”
- This is appended at the end of the filePathDefault for a sieges-specific schematic save directory
- This should not be changed unless directed by the system admin
- fileSchematicExtension
- Default – “.schem”
- This is the file extension that sieges will use when saving a schematic file
- This should not be changed unless directed by the system admin
- worldEditAirMaskBlocks
- Default – Many
- Blocks should be added to here that are partially opaque and can be walked through, like flowers, weeds, rose bushes
- These blocks block enderpearls and are generally annoying to deal with in pvp
- Sieges will remove (replace to air) these in the siege zone prior to the start of the siege, after the restore
- worldEditGrassMaskBlocks
- Default – Many
- Blocks in this list will become solid blocks rather than air blocks. Examples are water, kelp, soul sand, and lava.
- Sieges will replace these will grass blocks during the cleaning function after the restore
- worldEditMaxBlocks
- Default – 5000000
- The max amount of blocks that can be changed during a WorldEdit operation
- If a WorldEdit operation exceeds this, there will be errors and a siege will be automatically canceled and recovered if this is exceeded
- This is a safeguard to prevent weird WorldEdits
- This is roughly compared to how many blocks are in a 7×7 (default max siege zone size) chunk area top to bottom 3,211,264 (384 * 7 * 7 * 16 * 16)
- If the max size is increased, this number should be checked to see if it should be increased
- worldEditSnapshots
- Default – Empty
- This is the list of snapshots that Sieges will use to restore a siege prior to its start
- A siege in a world where snapshots cannot be validated while enableWorldEdit is true cannot start per the check utility
- This should never be touched by operational staff
- visualizeSiegeZoneParticleAmount
- Default – 30
- The amount of particles shown while visualizing a siege zone proposal
- This can be adjusted if the current setting causes frame lag on the client end
- visualizeSiegeZoneParticleOffsetY
- Default – 2
- The amount offset for particles
- This can be adjusted if the current setting looks weird
- visualizeSiegeZonePeriod
- Default – 500 milliseconds
- The time between particles spawned while visualizing a siege zone
- announceMassiveChatChannel
- Default – “si”
- The channel prefix for what chat channel sieges should use for announcements
- announceSiegeStart
- Default – true
- Toggle announcements of a siege start in the selected channel
- announceSiegeEnd
- Default – true
- Toggle announcements of a siege end in the selected channel
- announceClashStart
- Default – true
- Toggle announcements of a clash start in the selected channel
- announceClashEnd
- Default – true
- Toggle announcements of a clash end in the selected channel
- startCostPerChunk
- Default – 5
- The amount per chunk an attacking kingdom must pay to start a siege
- startStaticCost
- Default – 1000
- The static cost that is added to the cost per chunk to start a siege (see siege start pricing)
- pillagingScaleAmountPerPlayer
- Default – 25
- The amount per player in a faction at the end of a siege that determines the pillage price
- pillageStaticAmount
- Default 500
- The static cost added to the overall pillage price
- kingdomSkipClashCooldown
- Default – 3 days
- How often can a kingdom change their clash skip preference
Siege Zone
- minimumChunksOfDefendingFactionThatNeedToTouchSiegeZone
- Default – 2
- How many chunks of the siege zone proposed must touch the defending faction for it to be valid
- If this is changed to 0, siege zones don’t need to touch defending faction land and can take place anywhere (highly not recommended)
- minimumChunksOfDefendingFactionThatNeedToTouchSiegeZoneSmallFactionException
- Default – 3
- If a faction has X (this config value) chunks or less of claim, there is alternative logic in place that allows for a siege zone to be proposed and be valid if only one chunk of the zone touches the faction claim
- minimumSiegeZoneChunkRadius
- Default – 3
- The minimum size of a siege zone
- maximumSiegeZoneChunkRadius
- Default – 7
- The maximum size of a siege zone
- siegeZoneAllowBuilding
- Default – false
- Should players be allowed to build in a siege zone? The build permission will be denied for all in the temporary siege faction created representing the siege zone
- This will allow for trap meta unless unmoderated
- siegeZoneAllowExplosions
- Default – True
- Should explosions be allowed in the siege zone? Regular explosions will be disabled in the siege zone if this is set to false
Third Party Effects
- thirdPartyEffects
- Default – SLOW, WEAKNESS
- The effects given to a player deemed to be a third party player in a siege zone
- thirdPartyEffectsAmplifier
- Default – 9
- The intensity of the potion effects bestowed upon a third party player
- thirdPartyEffectDuration
- Default – 15 seconds
- How long the third party effects last every time they’re applied
- thirdPartyEffectCooldown
- Default – 5 seconds
- How long should the third party effects linger after a player is removed from third party status
- thirdPartyTryRemovePeriod
- Default – 1 second
- How often should Sieges check to see if third party players can have their status removed?
- This should only be changed for debugging or testing
- conquerLength
- Default – 1 week
- The default duration a conquer lasts when a spoil is claimed
- conquerLengthInsufficientMoney
- Default – 2 weeks
- If a faction cannot afford a pillage, they are instead conquered for this duration
- nonClashPointsPerKill
- Default – 50
- How many points should be added to a siege score when a clash is not active?
- spoilsExpirationTime
- Default – 2 days
- How long do winning kingdoms have to claim a spoil?
- Spoils will be automatically be removed from a kingdom after X time after the spoil is given
- Important: This should ideally be less time or the same time as the cooldown if the setting is used
- spoilsTryRemovePeriod
- Default – 1 hour
- This should only be changed for debugging or testing
- clashDuration
- Default – 1 hour
- The duration a clash lasts
- clashCaptureWarmupTime
- Default – 10 minutes
- The amount of time a prospective capturer must wait in a capture zone, unopposed to be added to the list of clash capturers (and contribute points to the clash)
- clashCaptureWarmupParticleCount
- Default – 10
- The amount of particles that are spawned above someone that is warming up
- clashCaptureWarmupParticlePeriod
- Default – 100 milliseconds
- The amount of times that the particles will appear per period
- clashPointsPerKill
- Default – 500
- How many points should be added to the side of a clash when a player is killed
- clashPointsPerDurationWhileCaptured
- Default 500
- How many points, per capturer should be added to the side of a clash every capture period
- clashPointsDurationAddPoints
- Default – 1 minute
- How often the amount of clashPointsPerDurationWhileCaptured per capturer should be added to an overall clash score
- clashTimes
- Default – 0000, 0600, 1200, 1800
- The times in which Sieges will try to start clashes
- Important: Make sure that there are no collisions with clashDuration. Sieges will automatically prevent concurrent clashes per active siege.
- Important: Times will be in accordance with the servers time zone (EST at the time of writing) and should always be in 24 hour time
- clashTryStartPeriod
- Default – 1 minute
- How often Sieges will check to see if it’s time to try to start clashes for every active siege
- This should only be changed for debugging or testing
- clashTryEndPeriod
- Default – 1 second
- How often Sieges will check each active clash to see if it can be concluded
- This should only be changed for debugging or testing
- clashTryCapturePeriod
- Default – 1 second
- How often Sieges will check players that are warming up can be added to the capture list of a clash
- This should only be changed for debugging or testing
Siege Flag
- flagActivatesOnSiegeZoneEntry
- Default – false
- Should siege flag activate upon entering a siege zone?
- flagDuration
- Default – 2 minutes
- The duration of a siege flag
- flagTryRemovePeriod
- Default – 1 second
- How often Sieges check players to see if their siege flag(s) can be removed
- flagLogout
- Default – Empty
- Prevent log out without being killed and contributing points to the other side of a siege or clash
- flagMove
- Default – Empty – True for worlds added
- Players must stay still in order for their siege flag to wear off
- flagRaces
- Default – Empty
- Prevent certain racial abilities from being used while siege flagged
- aliasesSieges
- Default “si”, “siege”, “sieges”
- The aliases for the sieges base command
- enableShrekMemes
- Default – true
- Should Shrek memes be enabled?