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As many of you have most likely already seen, a new map has shown up on the Dynmap called Regalia. This map is not accessible to players, but admins, mods and trusted can be seen there occasionally building something that looks like a city. There have been several rumors and whispers here and there, and we decided it was a good idea to release a public statement to let everyone in on our plan. 

How did it start?
There was always a concept, a thought, that Silveredge was not what it intended to be. A lingering feeling that prospera could have been much greater. An idea that we could unite all players using server provided functions in one central place. A central place to call home for everyone, regardless of affiliation, faction, or world. A place in itself entertaining and wonderfull enough to allow players to spend large amounts of time in it. The MassiveCraft team came to a project to realize this feeling, the need for a central cityworld like Silverwind but better. After a lenghty development process involving the world itself, a plan was drawn up to build the city, and work started. 

What is Regalia?
Regalia can be seen as the regent capital of all world. Regalia is the crown jewel of MassiveCraft. Regalia is determined to be our one top and main world, this world will stay for as long as MassiveCraft is alive (the world will thus never face resets). Regalia will be the new Prospera, new Silveredge and new Silverwind combined in one spot. Regalia is a grand city with houses, shops, taverns, an arena, and many public buildings that service both regular players, and rp players. We have made the following list of diffrent functions in Regalia, keep in mind however this list is subject to change due the limitations of plugins.

  • Shops for sale
  • Houses for sale
  • Embassies
  • New Spawn
  • Ships for sale
  • Tavern/Hotels with rooms (possibly by players maybe)
  • Arena
  • RP Events
  • Player Parliament
  • Public Library
  • Travel hub with boats to other world
  • Travel hub for Instances
  • Event gate
  • Sewers with it’s own Undercity (houses also!)
  • New city Bank

A highlight on several points
Shops for sale, what happens to prospera? All active Prospera shop owners will be given a free shop in Regalia, they must however claim it. They may also choose to buy a merchant house with additional payments. Prospera itself will be deleted once the move has taken place. Houses for sale how does this work? World Guard, this may be automated or admin controlled. Houses with diffrent values in diffrent districts will be sold. We are not sure yet what the rules on houses are, but they will be more strict then embassies. New spawn, what happens to Silveredge, or even Ceardia? Silveredge will become a regular world capital, and Ceardia will remain the way it is. The continual survival of Ceardia is a hotly debated topic since the world is so scarred, but we have no plans in the near future to remove or reset Ceardia. Player Parliament, is this democracy that I smell? We are not sure yet on how to implement this, but we have some form of player parliament planned in this city. This means that an admin may take sessions in the parliament building and listen to players who wish to adress the admin team trough a more roleplay method. There are stands and seats for noble people (only for the rich citizens of Regalia!) and viewing stands and balconies for the regular people. More information on this should follow as we flesh out the concept more. 

So when can we expect it all?
We don’t know yet. We are currently working on this project, however as you can most likely understand, this project is huge and takes alot of time and work. We have internally set some sort of a 2 week deadline, but this may be extended as we may run into problems. We want this city to be as good as possible for everyone, the seasoned MassiveCraft players and the newbies.  

Can I help building?
Yes, but the criteria are harsh, very harsh. The project is currently being lead by MonMarty who has construction hours during several times of the day. The following list shall tell you what you need to have or know before applying to help. 

  • Already be an established BO2 builder in the grid 
  • Have finished at least 5 BO2’s in correct methods
  • Accept that your work may not be used at all, if it does not suit the plan
  • Be able to listen to orders without question, the project works on a tight scedule with strict rules
  • Accept that someone may copy your building and adapt it
  • Be able to take suggestions and use them instead of sailing your own course

These rules are very strict and tough to work by, but you do get the chance to possibly have your work incorporated in the city that will last as long as MassiveCraft does. If you want to sign up for the workcrew, contact either Monmarty, or if he is not online, contact 05rhardy who should be able to relay your message to MonMarty. Your work in the Grid will be judged by MonMarty prior to being allowed into the workcrew. Do be very serious about this however, any form of sabotage or disruptive behavior in Regalia can result in heavy punishment.

We hope you are all as excited as we are about this project, and hope to report of more news as construction goes along.


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  1. Lord_ArchAngel 2012-08-04 at 22:24

    Can’t wait for the new world, however I’m afraid about the shops. I do have a prospera shop that is active. Does this mean that I get a shop in regelia instancely or do i have to pay for it. I find that there is a chance where confusion will spread and things will get out of hand. I have many more questions.

    • MonMarty 2012-08-04 at 23:02

      You will have to log a ticket when the time is right and I have started moving the shops. You will not have to pay anything extra to claim your own shop stall, you can however if you choose receive a discount on a merchant house, which is the only house in Regalia that will likely allow shops in it, also near the marketplace.

  2. Shambang16 2012-08-05 at 00:30

    Duhh….. Will we be able to work in teams on the projects needed to gain access to the workcrew?

  3. outsiderx2 2012-08-05 at 02:49

    I like this idea of a combined area. The spawn area has gotten a little out of hand with so many factions buying land, building for a few days then never logging back on again. I wish there was an option for faction leaders to remove inactive chest shops though…that is my only wish.

    • Shambang16 2012-08-05 at 15:40

      I like that idea. I have for a long time had the same wish too.

  4. CaptainGloom 2012-08-05 at 16:14

    This sounds like a great idea, I would like to be a part of it! May I sign up for Builder duty?

  5. Chask274 2012-08-05 at 16:42

    The idea of fresh, buy-able house interests me, any estimates on the prices?

  6. madus 2012-08-05 at 17:01

    I Really love the idea. I will Buy a merchanthouse there and live alone.
    But will the world expand so we can go outside of the city and cut wood?

    • igel_son 2012-08-05 at 22:10


  7. Jomdorr 2012-08-05 at 18:13

    love this :D btw i have a variety of builds in Durion that i find impressive built my an inpsiring Officer that now owns his own faction. more to the point i wouldnt mind if a mod copied my builds to place in the spawn land just catch me when im online and come check my faction out and copy as and when you please

  8. Moloon 2012-08-06 at 09:50

    Will trusted , friends , mod, admin etc get the shops , house , best placed grounds , before regular players again ? Or will there be some sort of fair for all rule ?

    • 05rhardy 2012-08-06 at 17:55

      I see no reason why it was ever that way in the first place. It should be fair, and if I’ve got anything to do with it, it will be fair ;)

    • MonMarty 2012-08-06 at 21:08

      This is a stupid statement, igel and sam had the best shops since they were the first players on the server, even before either of them wereadmin. Don’t make a fool out of yourself by making uninformed statements.

    • igel_son 2012-08-07 at 00:05

      Yes, i asume you are pointing at me here Moloon. And it’s like Monmarty said, i had that plot more for more than a month before i even was asked to join the team. The people with close spots was people who where quick the first night when silveredge had Grand opening.

  9. Mecharic 2012-08-07 at 05:51

    Well, this is interesting. Any ideas on when it will be completed? I want to help, but need build time in the Grid (and to get access to it lol) before I can help. Or you can just check out Osion, I’ve made a number of structures there :)

  10. mulligan3000 2012-08-07 at 15:51

    Wow, cant wait for this :D

  11. Moloon 2012-08-07 at 17:17

    I know trusted , mod and admins etc do a great job and use alot of time planning and helping players and the community around massive , I feel the annonecement about the new capitalis already is a nice step in the right direction about informing before rumors take over , thanks for that . FYI I don’t point at a single player in my previous statement , thanks for makeing massive a great world .

  12. Moloon 2012-08-07 at 17:54

    I know trusted , mods, admins do a great job , using alot of time helping players and build the the world , I was not pointing at single player at my statement , I know all look forward to the the great new capital .

  13. Mecharic 2012-08-07 at 19:15

    Just like to ask, will the city eventually take up the entire island, or half, or 1/3, or what? Because it currently looks way to small (I’m talking, all the actual construction work) to be a capitol for massivecraft.

  14. Mecharic 2012-08-08 at 04:07

    Another question, is there an estimate for prices yet?

  15. illogicalleaf314 2012-08-08 at 05:32

    First in first served? Who do I have to pay to be first? :p

  16. madus 2012-08-10 at 15:44

    maybe make a infomation site about it before it comes out

    • Illogicalleaf314 2012-08-11 at 12:01

      I think you meant:
      “It would be nice if an information site would be made before Regalia is released.”

      • madus 2012-08-13 at 11:01

        yeaahh that is correct illogicaleaft

  17. 0kameron0 2012-08-19 at 03:00

    i want to buy a house for me and my bro, but how do i do it?

    • 0kameron0 2012-08-19 at 15:49

      i mean can you do something like pre-order a house?

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